Sex-linked chicks with BCM roo?


11 Years
Dec 13, 2010
We have two Black Copper Marans hens and a BCM roo, and are thinking of hatching a few next time one of the girls goes broody. I'm also wondering whether we could guarantee some females with sex-linked mixes. Our other hens include EE, RIR, BR, Welsummer, Welsummer/EE cross, GLW, Light Brahma, BO, Black Australorp, and B/W and Golden Polish. Would the BCM roo make sex-linked chicks with any of those other hens? I found some good posts with very detailed genetic info on sex-linking, but didn't see this particular example.

Thanks very much!
Heres some images I found in regards to sex linking in chickens



Putting him over your barred rock hens will make black sex links. Males with white headspots, females solid head. Cockerels will be barred, females solid black with gold leakage, much like a bcm female.

This doesn't mean you're guaranteed to hatch females. of course. It's usually a 50/50, but some folks have had all eggs hatch one gender.

Do you have a plan for the male chicks you hatch out?
shmcarthy--thanks for that chart. I found it, too, but wasn't able to make it apply to my situation. It's also more sophisticated than I am!

Donrae--thanks! Not sure yet what we'll do with the males. Last batch we brooded (Welsummers and Welsummer/EE mixes), we had 5 males and 3 females. We processed at ate the roos at about 16 weeks. If we do another brood, we'll either do the same thing, or I'll be posting to ask the most humane way to cull day-olds.

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