Sex- linked Information

Can i make sex links using only varieties of Wyandottes? im thinking Blue laced red rooster x Silver laced... or will the out come be the black down chicks?
None of the chicks should come out solid black, since neither parent is black. Both varieties have the same pattern genes. They just have a different base color and the blue-laced have that dilute gene for black. As long as it's the hens that are silver laced, you should get red sexlinks. It might take a bit of practice, but you should be able to pick out the silver boys from the golden-hued girls.
the top of this post says that Golden laced x Silver laced will produce a black back phenotype where the black down covers gold or silver expression making impossible to determine the sex of the chick. Have you tried it? What were your results?
If I cross BLRW Rooster x SLW Hen, will the offspring still have hybrid vigor and improved rate of lay? Will the offspring still maintain the breed characteristics of the Wyandotte like the rosecomb and classy laced plummage?
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the top of this post says that Golden laced x Silver laced will produce a black back phenotype where the black down covers gold or silver expression making impossible to determine the sex of the chick. Have you tried it? What were your results?

I think this is what you are looking at. It does not say it is impossible to see the colors, it says you have to look on the forehead of the chick.

The following crosses produce a black back phenotype (See Illustration 3) with the gold or silver being expressed on the face and fore head of the chick.

Cross a Group 2 A male with a Group 2 A or 2 B female.

Cross a Group 2 B male with a 2A female.
If I cross BLRW Rooster x SLW Hen, will the offspring still have hybrid vigor and improved rate of lay?

You are crossing two different gene pools. How much hybrid vigor you get will depend on how inbred those two different gene pools were, but the same applies if you are crossing two separate breeds.

Rate of lay is inherited. The rooster supplies as many genes toward that as the hen, but if they both come from a line that lays well, the offspring should lay well.

Will the offspring still maintain the breed characteristics of the Wyandotte like the rosecomb and classy laced plummage?

The rose comb is easy, yes the offspring will have a rose comb.

Classy laced plumage? You are getting a little more nebulous. They will be laced, but how classy the lacing is may be a subject for interpretation.

I don’t know the quality of your Wyandottes. If you have high quality Wyandottes the offspring should have pretty good Wyandotte qualities except probably not approved colors. But when you cross bloodlines some strange things can pop up.

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