Sex- linked Information

hi , i'm new at BYC ,
indeed this thread is very helpful ...
i've a question , please answer me with your experience ,
i've a white cochin ROOSTER around a age of 7 month which is breeding a buff ( brown ) cochin and a black cochin HENS at a time,
1 . which type of sex link will develop among them ?
2 . which colour chicks will come out from hatching ?
and also guide me about the word offspring EE im not aware that what is this EE offspring meaning .
thanks ,
AND i've also buff cochin rooster in this flock but he is at d age of 5 month and not able to breed now , a friend advise me to separate buff cochin rooster to avoid mixing what to do with ?
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hi , i'm new at BYC ,
indeed this thread is very helpful ...
i've a question , please answer me with your experience ,
i've a white cochin around a age of 7 month which is breeding a buff ( brown ) cochin and a black cochin at a time,
1 . which type of sex link will develop among them ?
2 . which colour chicks will come out from hatching ?
and also guide me about the word offspring EE im not aware that what is this EE offspring meaning .
thanks .
To my understanding, white in Cochins is recessive white. So the chicks will only be white if both parents carry a copy of the white gene. The only sexlinked colors are silver type colors and barring, and it has to be on the hen's side. Red-based color roosters work best for sexlinks, because you can be reasonably sure that they aren't hiding anything that will hide the sexlinked colorations.
sorry ,
i forgot to mention that rooster cochin is white and buff and black cochins are hen .
hi , i'm new at BYC ,
indeed this thread is very helpful ...
i've a question , please answer me with your experience ,
i've a white cochin rooster around a age of 7 month which is breeding a buff ( brown ) cochin and a black cochin hen at a time,
1 . which type of sex link will develop among them ?
2 . which colour chicks will come out from hatching ?
and also guide me about the word offspring EE im not aware that what is this EE offspring meaning .
thanks .
New Hampshire over Creme Legbar? and if so what differentiates the genders at hatch?

I don't think this will result in sexlinked chicks. I depends on whether the CCL hens are gold or silver based, but I think they are gold, given their tendency to look gold if the cream is missing. You would need silver to get a red sexlink from a NH roo. The barring will not result in a black sexlink because you would need one parent to contribute EB. The autosexing of the CCL will be lost because the NH roo doesn't have the genotype to support that in the chicks.

If you have a black roo to put ove the CCL hens, that should give you black sexlinks. Or obtain a CCL roo to enable the autosexing.
New Hampshire over Creme Legbar? and if so what differentiates the genders at hatch?

I think this would make sex links, just what I think of as "invisible" sexlinks....genetically the males will be barred and the females non-barred, but without the extended black, you're not going to be able to see a difference at hatch. You should know when the chicks feather out and you can actually see the barring on the feathers, but by then you've usually got a good idea who is male and who is female anyway. So, it's a useless sex link, IMO. The genes are there, but as far as practicality, they give you squat.

I think the auto sexing with the CCL works the same as with Rhodebars, and I know there are folks crossing RIR with Rhodebars to improve the type. It would take some research, but you might check out the Rhodebar thread and see if a RIR cock over a Rhodebar hen gives visually apparent sex linked chicks.
sorry ,
i forgot to mention that rooster cochin is white and buff and black cochins are hen .

hi , i'm new at BYC ,
indeed this thread is very helpful ...
i've a question , please answer me with your experience  ,
i've  a white cochin rooster around a age of 7 month which is breeding a buff ( brown ) cochin and a black cochin hen at a time,
1 . which type of sex link will develop among them ?
2 . which colour chicks will come out from hatching ?
and also guide me about the word offspring  EE im not aware that what is this EE offspring meaning .
thanks .

Those will not get you sex links, and it is hard to tell what color they could be since buff can hide other colors. Chances are you will get buff and black chicks.
Fascinating thread! I want to cross buff Orpington rooster to light Sussex hen, from the chart this is a red/gold sex link but might be difficult to distinguish. Has anyone tried this cross and have photos of what the offspring would look like?

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