Sex- linked Information

Hello again everyone! I'm planning to get my first chickens by March, and they'll be quail and partridge colours. I was wondering if I could cross a Partridge coloured rooster with a Quail coloured hen and get sex links. I was thinking the females would have some incomplete version of Quail and the males just Quail. Would this work?
Both quail and partridge colorings are red/gold based. You will not have any sexlinking.
wow! i just found this for the first time the other day, but this is an awesome post (article?). really helped me a great deal in beginning to wrap my head around the genetics of sex linkage. much thanks to tadkerson!

we are looking at trying some black sex link crosses in the near future with dominque hens...
Can anyone help me figure out if I have any sex links in the crosses I made?
We hatched chicks from Silver Laced Wyandotte rooster and Blue Copper Marans Rooster.
Some chicks have chipmunk look and some black and blue chicks have white spots on their heads.
The hens are Cuckoo Marans, Buff Orpington, Cream Legbar, Andalusian, and Easter Eggers of different colors (red, blue red, and like a Splash Laced Red Wyandotte).
Thank you very much!
Can anyone help me figure out if I have any sex links in the crosses I made?
We hatched chicks from Silver Laced Wyandotte rooster and Blue Copper Marans Rooster.
Some chicks have chipmunk look and some black and blue chicks have white spots on their heads.
The hens are Cuckoo Marans, Buff Orpington, Cream Legbar, Andalusian, and Easter Eggers of different colors (red, blue red, and like a Splash Laced Red Wyandotte).
Thank you very much!
Chicks with the white spots on the back of the head are certainly male. That white spot indicates the presence of the barring gene. Since none of your roosters are barred, it had to come from the Cuckoo Marans or Legbar hens. Barred hens can only pass their barring gene to their male chicks.
Our chicks of Silver Laced Wyandotte rooster and Cream Legbar hen look like chipmunks. Few chicks from Easter Eggers hens look like chipmunks too. Does that mean they are hens?

Thank you!
How about this black sex linked cross. Any E/E black male (not barred) on an autosexing female (like Jaerhon or Legbar)? I bet not many have thought of that one!
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