Sex Linked Question

Dave C

Apr 7, 2015
Teesdale, Co Durham, UK
Hi, using the Chicken genetic calculator I thought I would use my Buff / gold hybrid Sasso broiler cockerel over my Cuckoo Marans hens for sex linked chicks.

First batch, textbook, cockerels white, Pullets black with buff/gold coming through as they mature.

Second batch, I culled the white chicks early on, the black chicks had white head spots and are now turning barred and they are cockerels!!!

Third batch, again culled out the whites, the black chicks have white faces, verdict is still out on there sex.

Any ideas what's going on?
When doing a black sex link cross, you use a non barred and non dominant white rooster over a hen that is barred.

Of the resulting sex linked chicks, males will have a white head spot indicating barring. Females will not.

You culled the pullets...
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Ok, but batch 1 the cockerels were yellow and Pullets black, I kept all of them and the cockerels are now pure white. See pics.
Batch 2 & 3 I just culled the yellow chicks keeping anything black or mainly black.


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If the roo is a mix, chicks might not look the same. Also, are you sure you have the right dad?

And black sex links don't work like that. BARRED chicks (no matter if you can easily see the white spot or not) are male. Pullets can be almost any color depending on the cross.
Unfortunately that's what culling means !
The chicks that were culled were fully yellow, as in batch 1 so would be cockerels, as the birds in the pics from batch 1.
Just looked at batch 3
The pure blacks are Pullets
The black with white faces are turning barred, so I guess they are cockerels.

Obviously more to this than I originally thought :confused:
Although it doesn't take much to confuse me :D

Thanks for your help KindaFarmGirl :thumbsup

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