Sexing 7-week-old Easter Egger


5 Years
May 12, 2018

Hi everyone! I need some help figuring out if this chick is a dude!

She was sold to me as an Ameraucauna 7 weeks ago, but I think she might be an Easter Egger?

I got her with another chick labeled Ameraucauna and since then she’s grown a lot bigger than the sister she came with! Her markings are also different.

I’d be happy to answer any more questions that would help suss out the situation! And I’ll gladly post more specific pix if needed!

This “chick” is definitely the least shy and will often jump on my hand to eat.

Thank you!!

She may be an EE, but since they are pretty much any mix of chickens with an Ameraucana or Araucana in them, so it is a lot harder to say. Generally, true Ameruacanas are harder to find than EEs, also.

She may be an EE, but since they are pretty much any mix of chickens with an Ameraucana or Araucana in them, so it is a lot harder to say. Generally, true Ameruacanas are harder to find than EEs, also.
You think she’s a pullet?! REJOICE!

Thank you for taking the time to answer BOTH of my questions. :)
Happy to help. She has a small, orange comb, instead of a cockerel's red one, which would most likely be obvious by 7 weeks. EE pullets (and possibly Ameraucanas) can have longish, droopy feathers near the base of the tail that can look a little like a cockerel's, making it a little tricky.
Anyway, congrats on your pullets! Enjoy those pretty blue eggs!
Happy to help. She has a small, orange comb, instead of a cockerel's red one, which would most likely be obvious by 7 weeks. EE pullets (and possibly Ameraucanas) can have longish, droopy feathers near the base of the tail that can look a little like a cockerel's, making it a little tricky.
Anyway, congrats on your pullets! Enjoy those pretty blue eggs!
THANK YOU!! Thrilled to hear this news! I have a major crush on her because she’s SO personable, and was gonna feel pretty sad if she turned out to be a roo. Can’t thank you enough for weighing in!

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