sexing broad breasted bronze turkeys with updated pics......

They still look & sound like hens to me. My Tom never retracts his snood until night & it is constantly in his way. I have also seen my hens become aggressive toward my roosters & dogs. The hens heads & necks turn red when they are closer to mating & laying eggs. As well as have that thin line of tiny feathers midline down their head & necks.The Toms head is bald with a few tiny wisps of hair like feathers & large carnucles with his whole head & neck being red, blue & purple. Both breeds look like that. My Tom has looked like this since around 15 weeks or before. though he displays constantly; he didn't start gobbling until around 20 weeks. Plus his beard started growing around 15 weeks as well. As far as size, mine are all about the same. The Tom looks bigger but he is constantly busy being puffed up.

this pic was taken 5min after the bottom 1

notice the snood length change.Is this henish ot tomish this bird is the same bird as in this earlier post i think it is the most dominate bird.Thanks again its driving me nuts.

These are my two Bronze Breasted turkeys. I don't have a clue on the sex. Can you help me? They are approximately 15 weeks old. I haven't heard a gobble persay, but they make alot of noise. I've seen displays though.

By the way they look they look just like mine and everybody says there hens so i would have to say hen.
Sorry, I haven't gotten back over here for a while.
I hate to go against everyone else, but I would say that the close up picture of the one turkey taken minutes apart is a tom. When they are young, the snoods don't get as large as when they are older. None of my hens snoods EVER get that large. They simply don't. They don't grow much at all no matter what mood they are in. The toms can draw those things up to pretty small, and then elongate them to varying degrees. If I can get a picture of my tom and hen tomorrow (and figure out how to post them) I'll do that so you can see the difference on known genders of the Bronze breed.

To me, it looks like the one in back is female. Not sure on the front one, could be a male.

Again with this photo, looks like the one in back is female and the front is possibly a male. It's *possible* that the front one is female with a slightly larger snood, but the fact that it's a bit longer and bent makes me think it's more likely a male.
Here are the pictures I was able to put together today. I hope they help somewhat. Notice that my male's snood can get very small compared to what you would normally think they should be. The best way to tell the difference (at least for me) are the fact that the snood can expand at all, females don't, males do, so if you see changes, it's a male. Also the body size difference (at least with mine) is huge. The last picture is of both my bronze turkeys together, and although she may be getting into a squat in this photo, you can still see that the difference is pretty substantial. I added the legs in here, I don't know if they'll help, but the female's legs are thinner, the male's thicker, and you can see the small spur area forming on the right leg in the picture.

Female snood

Male snood

Female back of neck

Male back of neck

Female legs

male legs

Body Size Comparison

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