sexing chicks - male or female?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 18, 2013
Kent, England
I have 7 3 1/2 week old chicks, not sure what breeds they are but two seem to have more of a comb than the others, i will try to upload photos. Any ideas????
i do not know of breeds
but have seen on youtube that u can distinguish a male chick from a female by their wing feather, the female would grow up faster...
i do not know of breeds
but have seen on youtube that u can distinguish a male chick from a female by their wing feather, the female would grow up faster...

This only works on a few breeds. And if you do feather sex it is best to do it when they are very young. 1-3 days the most. They first one looks like some kind of rose cob. Wyandotto maybe? The second...not sure. you shou ld post full body pics if you really want to know the breeds. The last one might be a roo...Not sure though. Quite a bit of cob.

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