Sexing Light Sussex Chicks


Dec 30, 2016
Cowra, NSW, Australia
My Light Sussex chicks hatched on New Years Day so they're 2 weeks old today. Unbelievably I hatched 12/12 under a broody hen (Wyandotte X RIR) in Australian Summer heat.

A couple of them have developed tail feathers already and I wonder if this is any indication of gender or is it too early to tell?



Some folks swear by tail feather development, or slow feathering overall as a sign of a cockerel. I've never found it that reliable myself. I go by comb development, leg thickness and overall stance. It's too young from what I can see to start picking out cockerel. Being able to see them in person, you'll be able to tell who is sprouting combs first.
x 3  donrae
I would imagine with your heat, you have no need for heat lamps.  Congratulations of a great hatch  12/12   super :thumbsup

Well, it is mid summer here and apparently it's the hottest January on record.
But the eggs were hatched under a broody hen. It's a much easier way to brood chicks than having them in a box in the laundry with heat lamps etc.

Now, I've got another broody hen and need to decide if I want to set a clutch under her in this heat or to try to break her. If I set her, I'll do so at the residential aged care facility where I work so the residents can enjoy them.
Some folks swear by tail feather development, or slow feathering overall as a sign of a cockerel. I've never found it that reliable myself. I go by comb development, leg thickness and overall stance. It's too young from what I can see to start picking out cockerel. Being able to see them in person, you'll be able to tell who is sprouting combs first.

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