Sexing Pekin Ducks

The tail is the exact same as my confirmed drake pekin. As for my cayuga, she produces grey eggs. I only have 3 ducks currently.
My chickens don't lay anywhere but their coop so I know it's not them. Plus the chickens lay small brown eggs not massive pointy oval white eggs. I found the eggs hiding between a tree and tall weeds near the duck pond.
Huh. That's really weird. Sorry I'm not much help, maybe someone else knows .... ? It does sound like it must be a female, but the tail has me confused.

I have a 3 month old pekin and I dint know what it is but it is loud. And the tail flares out but also looks curly
If it's loud, it's probably a female, but if it's tail is curly, I'm not really sure ....
Everywhere I read it says a female has no curled feathers and a drake does. My problem with this is my 25 week old female pekin duck has two curled feathers. I say female because she just started laying eggs a few days ago and they are definitely not cayuga eggs. Which was a huge shocker to my hubby and I... we came to terms with the thought of two pekin drakes a few weeks back the tails started to curl lol.

I always knew that one of our pekin ducks was a male because he fancied our female cayuga and attempted to mate with her more than once. I never saw the two pekin ducks showing any interest in eachother.

Is it unusual for a female pekin or any female duck to resemble a drake?

She isn't as loud as our "honking" cayuga but she isn't quiet like our drake. She is also the same size as our drake.

We have two females who developed the drake curl!

Vier got hers shortly after we introduced a drake to the flock. Just last week, Zehn got a curly feather! And they are definitely females.
This duck is in our local shelter. I'm taking him to my two (had 4 and two vanished on Christmas
) and can't tell if his tail is curled or not? My male's tale is extremely curly at home. Is this one male or female?
This duck is in our local shelter. I'm taking him to my two (had 4 and two vanished on Christmas
) and can't tell if his tail is curled or not? My male's tale is extremely curly at home. Is this one male or female?
Could be the feathers look pretty rough but another way to tell is by voice the females quack loudly and the drakes have a low raspy quack. Bless you for adopting.

Help with gender on the pekin and the white goose,..?? Please
I'd say the goose is Gander after watching the video of how he behaves with the Pekin and lowers his head to make the other ducks move away. Just like my gander does. Are you adopting? Pekin possibly a female couldn't see a curled tail feather.

@bernie131 Does the Pekin have a curl at the end of it's tail feathers? good sign it's a drake and females quack loud drakes have soft raspy quack.

Beautiful goose.
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They are at the community college and have been for many years. Actually the Pekin has a soft constant quack when I call her name and she is eating. I have not seen a curled feather and one of them are laying eggs but I always seem to miss when that happens. I have not seen her laying on them because either the other critters get them or I took them to see if they were fertilized and they have not been. There are many Mallards that swim with them but the two "mama and shorty" are always together. I don't know if Pekins mate with Mallards??? I go everyday to feed them and Mama gets on my lap when it is cold and I feed her/him and made them a small shelter that I put her in and she tucks her head in her wing and closes her eyes. She lets me pick her up and carry her because they come across the street when they she me pull in the parking lot so I carry them back across the street because of the traffic. I love them so much and neither of them fly, that normal for them not to fly??
They are at the community college and have been for many years. Actually the Pekin has a soft constant quack when I call her name and she is eating. I have not seen a curled feather and one of them are laying eggs but I always seem to miss when that happens. I have not seen her laying on them because either the other critters get them or I took them to see if they were fertilized and they have not been. There are many Mallards that swim with them but the two "mama and shorty" are always together. I don't know if Pekins mate with Mallards??? I go everyday to feed them and Mama gets on my lap when it is cold and I feed her/him and made them a small shelter that I put her in and she tucks her head in her wing and closes her eyes. She lets me pick her up and carry her because they come across the street when they she me pull in the parking lot so I carry them back across the street because of the traffic. I love them so much and neither of them fly, that normal for them not to fly??
They sound absolutely adorable. And I am glad they have you to watch out for them.. Pekins would mate with a Mallard and vise versa if given opportunity but Mama may not allow it. lol Most domestic Ducks and geese cannot fly or if they can they don't fly high or very far. And Pekins being a heavy weight duck doesn't fly at all.

That is just so special the relationship you have with them.
Yes. The Drake's get a curl on the end of their tail. This is known as the sex feather. It should be very obvious. You can look at pictures of drakes next to hens and see the tail difference. It shows up around sexual maturity. My drake got it at around 80-100 days.

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