sexing polish chicks


5 Years
Mar 26, 2014
Long Island
We just got our first set of polish chicks and 1 didn't quite look like the other, so we googled and now I'm even more worried. I know its hard to tell but any help would be great! Tia
Do you have a photo? If they're bearded looking for tiny red waddles is difficult, but cockerels you'll see their comb develop quicker than the me they look like little pointy feelers poking out. Simetimes their crest is a giveaway as well because the cockerels will have a wild doo but its not always accurate.

They are just a few days old, so no wattles. I read that the shape of the crest is a give away, but I'm not sure if this is just how they start out or not. Its the smaller one who's crest I am worried about.
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