Sexing Rouen ducks by bill color???

Hello. I have scanned thru most of the comments. I have two Rouens about 2 1/2 mo old. Unfortunately one got hurt a few ago and I had to take her to the vet. I ask the vet about sexing and he said basically the best way is to wait until their first molt. After the first molt the males will get the Mallard colored ring around his neck and the female while not.
true very true but some people just cant waite that long and just have to know for pure curiosety is that spelled right lol nvm that .well or people wanna down sise a flock for plesure or egg laying all sorts of reasons but the vets way is the shurest way but all of us on hear are trying to realy rely on somthing besides the ovious with other breeds that just dont ever change their color so it is good to know the quack trick or bil color or when their ten to fifteen weeks when you start to see a males tale curl it just helps
and rouens are amazing and change so fast and so much like some things like bill color the olive dosnt stay always they could have it for a very short time they kill me how quick they grow well i hope im helping people on hear and giving good insite
Can anyone help with my 3 please?
i have 2 that have yellowish bills and one is really dark, thinking maybe two drakes and a duck? I have had them just 4 weeks and maybe 5-6 days old from TSC when i got them. I was told they thought they were Mallards but I'm thinking Rouen from the second stripe under the eyes? Of course I cant wait to find out gender and my husband thinks I'm getting too worked up trying to find info on google searches! Any help is appreciated!
I also bought three ducks at tractor supply three weeks ago and I believe they were at least a week old or so when I got them. I'm new to ducks and seeing how all this goes. Can anyone help me by telling me if they believe what sex they are? I'm worried because I currently have ten hen chickens running around the yard and I don't want the males going after them. Any help would be appreciated!
I need help with my 3 I have had them for roughly 16 weeks they have the color of females but 2 have Olivish beaks and the other yellowish orange beak they squeak when near nut have a raspy quack like a laughter when you are not near so can't tell which does it

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