Sexing Welsummer Chicks

Mar 26, 2020
Frederick, MD
I hatched 2 Welsummer chicks. One is 1 week old, and the other hatched yesterday. The first one, named Emmit, I'm pretty confident is a male as there is nothing distinct about his head stripe or eyeliner. But the newer one I'm unsure about. This one's color is more distinct than Emmit, but I'm not sure it's distinct enough to call it female. I've never had Welsummers before. I've looked online at pictures and have come to the conclusion that although they are considered an auto-sexing (or are they sex-linked?) that there can be a lot of grey area in determining gender based on their markings. I'd appreciate thoughts from anyone more experienced than I am.

Younger chick:
2024.04.27 01 Chicken 01 Welsummer number 2.jpg
2024.04.27 01 Chicken 03 Welsummer number 2.jpg

2024.04.28 01 Chicken 01 Welsummer number 2 younger.jpg
2024.04.28 01 Chicken 02 Welsummer number 2 younger.jpg

Here is the younger chick on the left and Emmit, the presumed male chick, on the right.
2024.04.27 01 Chicken 02 Welsummer Number 2 on left and Emmit on right.jpg

And here are a couple more shots of Emmit the male chick. The photo of him in my hand is when he was first removed from the incu and the photo on the right is more recent. I'm sure he's male, but would love for someone to tell me I'm wrong, lol!
2024.04.21 01 chickens 01 Emmit.jpg
2024.04.25 01 chicken 01 Emmit.jpg

Gender guesses?
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I don’t have updated pics to share right now, but the older one is getting a decent comb.
Cool likely one of each then! I have two 2 week old welsummers both with the eyeliner and dark v stripe but one is possibly developing a slightly pink comb… Will monitor!

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