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I candled them again last night. 7 of them are alive and kicking and getting really big! I think the two porous ones and one other egg are not developing because i don't see anything going on inside them. There is a noticeable difference between the 7 moving ones and the 3 others. 7 out of 10 is not bad for a first attempt, don't you think? Especially considering i haven't a clue what i am doing! lol Hopefully they will all make it and hatch out some healthy chicks! I need to find my camera and get some pics up. Thanks for the advice guys, i will check them again tomorrow and if i still don't see anything I'm going to remove those ones from the incubator. Should i break them open? The one egg that is not porous looks like it started developing, i can see some veining but not as much as the developing eggs and i can't see any embryo or movement at all.
I candled them again last night. 7 of them are alive and kicking and getting really big! I think the two porous ones and one other egg are not developing because i don't see anything going on inside them. There is a noticeable difference between the 7 moving ones and the 3 others. 7 out of 10 is not bad for a first attempt, don't you think? Especially considering i haven't a clue what i am doing! lol Hopefully they will all make it and hatch out some healthy chicks! I need to find my camera and get some pics up. Thanks for the advice guys, i will check them again tomorrow and if i still don't see anything I'm going to remove those ones from the incubator. Should i break them open? The one egg that is not porous looks like it started developing, i can see some veining but not as much as the developing eggs and i can't see any embryo or movement at all.

yeah the thing about hatching eggs is you can tell most of the time even if you don't have any experance at all and 70% fertyity is great for first year rooster mountings (whats your rooster ratio?). that one egg may be a blood ring
but again if your not sure keep it until day 14 if nothing still then remove them. I think it's a good idea to crack open the non-developers just to see at what stage they could have died in etc here is the thread i go back to allot when i do this
Well, my electricity went off for a couple of hours and i was running about all in a panic! I was considering sticking the eggs up my jumper and i took my temperature there but it was only 34 C. Then i saw my daughters lunch bag and stuck it in the sun and measured the temp and it went a way up to 40 C, so i stuck them in there with the zip open to make sure it didn't over heat.

Anyway, i left the 3 eggs in question aside and candled them again. I was pretty sure there was no signs of life inside; no movement and hardly any veining. I was trying to take pictures but i can't work out how to take them in the dark! This was the best one i could get. This is one which was not porous and i could see inside. There was a clear side and a dark side with hard to make out veins, and i could see a blob which i think was the embryo but no movement. There was a dark line around the edge of the dark side, ring of death? The picture's hard to make out.

So i opened it up and it looks like it started developing. The embryo is there but it's really small.

The other two were porous. I opened them up also. This is the first one, looks like nothing was happening in this one, can't see any embryo.

And the last one was more developed, you can see it's limbs, but i think it had died. I thought i could see veins on this one which were really hard to make out. I also thought i saw movement the first time i candled it, but nothing afterwords so i think it died. I feel bad for this little one, if it was still alive would it be moving when you open it? It wasn't.

This is my first ever chickens! I bought the eggs from a guy at the farmers market. I don't even know what breed they are, he couldn't tell me, they're possibly mixed.
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Well, my electricity went off for a couple of hours and i was running about all in a panic! I was considering sticking the eggs up my jumper and i took my temperature there but it was only 34 C. Then i saw my daughters lunch bag and stuck it in the sun and measured the temp and it went a way up to 40 C, so i stuck them in there with the zip open to make sure it didn't over heat.

Anyway, i left the 3 eggs in question aside and candled them again. I was pretty sure there was no signs of life inside; no movement and hardly any veining. I was trying to take pictures but i can't work out how to take them in the dark! This was the best one i could get. This is one which was not porous and i could see inside. There was a clear side and a dark side with hard to make out veins, and i could see a blob which i think was the embryo but no movement. There was a dark line around the edge of the dark side, ring of death? The picture's hard to make out.

So i opened it up and it looks like it started developing. The embryo is there but it's really small.

The other two were porous. I opened them up also. This is the first one, looks like nothing was happening in this one, can't see any embryo.

And the last one was more developed, you can see it's limbs, but i think it had died. I thought i could see veins on this one which were really hard to make out. I also thought i saw movement the first time i candled it, but nothing afterwords so i think it died. I feel bad for this little one, if it was still alive would it be moving when you open it? It wasn't.

This is my first ever chickens! I bought the eggs from a guy at the farmers market. I don't even know what breed they are, he couldn't tell me, they're possibly mixed.

it looks like the last too had bloodrings sorry
I'm on day 22 with 18 eggs, yesterday some started wobbling about, when I woke up this morning I found that I had a pip, but at the wrong end of the egg.
I am worried that it isn't going to be able to hatch properly, this isn't my first time hatching but I've not actually came across this before. I'm also worried the membrane might start to dry out, when she I intervene? Advise please someone....


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