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I started incubating on 4/3 also. I cracked this 8 day incubating egg open as it didn't seem to show veining or a moving black spot. The air cell looked funny. There was no heartbeat when cracked it open and it seemed like it was scrambled although maybe it was my imagination. It was a shipped egg.
Thanks. I am having a hard time discerning what I am seeing when I candle as the air cells are so different on so many of them. Some of the eggs almost look like they could either have veins or swirly patterns inside the shell.
Pumpkin Husley egg that has been in the incubator for 10 days....just look at the little guy/gal go!

So I have eggs 10 days old. But I don't see them moving like the OP's. I mean sometimes I think they wiggle around or it might just be my hands because I have a disorder and my hands are not steady, so its hard to tell.

I don't have a proper flashlight and most eggs are brown. They are all dark inside and I can't see through them clearly. The air spot looks to be an alright size. They all seem mostly the same.

Any advice?
Yes, my advice is to just wait. They will either hatch or they won't I have done the candling thing once. My hatch success rate has been much better when I have not unnecessarily handled them. I understand candling is kind of exciting but things will run their course if you just let them. I feel the danger of exploding eggs, certainly within the short amount of time it takes to hatch an egg, are highly exagerated. Just leave the eggs alone and nature (with the help of an incubator) will take it's course.
Yes, my advice is to just wait. They will either hatch or they won't I have done the candling thing once. My hatch success rate has been much better when I have not unnecessarily handled them. I understand candling is kind of exciting but things will run their course if you just let them. I feel the danger of exploding eggs, certainly within the short amount of time it takes to hatch an egg, are highly exagerated. Just leave the eggs alone and nature (with the help of an incubator) will take it's course.

You obviously have never had one explode in a very expensive incubator then ;). I haven't either, thank goodness, but I HAVE had eggs go rotten (I will never forget that smell) that would have exploded if I left them for another few days. I'd rather not risk majorly contaminating my incubator and/or killing all of the remaining eggs by just candling halfway through. I do, however, candle completely hands free now unless I need a better look. Since they are all in a turner I just move from egg to egg shining into the aircell. It works and is much faster/better for the eggs than handling them frequently.
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You should see a wiggly black dot about the size of a beebee. If you go back a page or two on this post, I posted a video of one of my day 10 eggs :) By that time, they've become quite active!

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