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well i don't know it looks very dark which is a good sign. Do you see movement or veins at all? what color is the egg?

I don't really see any movement but there is veins, quite thick and the colour of the egg is white because it is a pigeon egg. Someone said twelve days ago wait ten days before chucking but it has been twelve days. I don't want to chuck it because it has been growing.
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I don't really see any movement but there is veins, quite thick and the colour of the egg is white because it is a pigeon egg. Someone said twelve days ago wait ten days before chucking but it has been twelve days. I don't want to chuck it because it has been growing.

well pigeon eggs only incubate 17 days and you would stop turning at day 13 and start lockdown. so who knows you may get a baby pigon here is the chart pigons are closer to the bottom
No they haven't, there were in the nest box. From during the week last week. We kept hoping that one of the hens was getting ready to set and just slow getting started. They are now in our makeshift incubator, have no clue if it will do any good or not. :-(

well in theory egg's are suppose to be good up to 7-10days without needing incubation but the chances of chicks goes way down. get them in the incubator as soon as possible if the incubator is homemade keep a close eye on the temps with one full hour in-between temp adjustments the eggs should be turned every 8 hours minimum try to keep the humidity in-between 45-50%
Thank you, I have already started lockdown but no sign of a baby pigeon yet.

no worries hatching can take the full 17 days and maybe a day or two over but remember nothing is set in stone even through it has been developing it still may not hatch. here is a article on hatching the hatching process etc is closer to the bottom sorry i couldn't find one for squabs good luck
oh yeah here are my ancona duck egg's i set last Friday this a day 7 candling take notes Meyer hatchery my incubation method isn't as bad as you thought.

this is the only one i worry about the veins start from the air cell possible blood ring forming but I'll wait another week or so to see if it's good

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