Bacon and Eggs-Rhode Island Reds
Barbie-Q and Stir-Fry: Black Langshans
Shellie (short for Eggshell) and Zebra: Barred Rocks
Brad and Angelina: Mixed Banties
USA and Pippa: Americaunas
Goldie and Zinny (short for Zinfindel): Gold Laced Wyndottes
Gladys and Esther: Buff Polish Bantams
Beaner: Columbian Wyndotte
Heff and Holly: Rabbits

Not sure if its unique -

My 5 year old named his 'peckerhead'. "because she pecks your head, mom. Duh." Said in his most grown up 5 year old voice. I said "that's great honey, but you tell Nana. "
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My silkie/banty roo's name is ManChicken! Some one ask where my chickens were and I said I only have a man chicken (something got all the girls) The name just stayed with him. He has 9 girls now and he is DA' MAN.

Our Roos name is Ducky

Susseex hen - Curious
SLW hen - Penguin
SLW hen - Midge (she was the smallest)
RIR hen = B-Hilda ( the B used to stand for Bosshilda because we thought she was going to be the top hen, but she is not and she is the meaniest one....so you can imagine what the B stands for now.....)
i will only list my unique named chicken...a BO named Sunhilda.
but i'm looking for silkie names (that's why i'm reading this thread, so far i've made it to page 10) and i'm thinking of naming my silkie Woolybooly (after that song back in the day).
Hercules Macgyver <3 is a lil sizzle roo nickname: Hercs
Twas on TV when we bought him home and we added the Macgyver because he can escape the pen effortlessly!

Xena <3 is a lil silkie mix hen nickname: ZeeZee
As in the TV show Xena warrior princess (Xena is the spin-off of the Hercules)

We wanted to call it Jemima puddle duck but then it lost its voice so we were confused if it was girl/boy so I just call it Ducky!
If its a boy we will call it Donald duck as my bro has DVDs of the old 30s-40s Donald duck cartoons.<3

Tweedle Dee nicknames include : Deedee, DeeDoos, Missy Hissy, Miss Princess Dee
I'm a Alice in Wonderland fan <3

Budgies (parakeets)
Snowy Snowdrop & Coco Coconut [nicknames for snowy just Snow-snow but coco I sometimes call coco plops cos he can poop in the most unusual places!]
They make little giggle noises usually after you say something so it sounds like they are laughing at what you said or did!
They are naughty but lovable budgerigars<3

Hamish Macbeth - Hes a mutt dog my mum named after TV show

Alfie - Hes a Chihuahua mix, he mostly black but hes got patches of black and white on his tum tum. So his nicknames include: Mr. moo, Lil Moo, Moo moo, Moomin, Moomintroll

*Used to have the best cat in the world a grumpy looking persian called Oscar the grouch ! miss him so much <3<3<3
none unique
but i have
Fluffy- cochin? maybe
De De- silver laced wyandotte
Neon- austrolorp
Chloe- fav! cinnomon queen
Jo- Yes, she is a girl ( long story)
Zoe- bob's sister
Bob- rooster ( used to have four of them so i named them bob, bobette, bobettito, bob jr)
Mocha- seabright
Clover- buff orpington Also one of my favs!
Fred- Red sex link, Girl just looks like a fred when she lays
Lucy- welsummer
Hackfooey- always sneezes!
and unnamed ones that I'm trying to name but the names don't stick!

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