She is broody again want to be hatching buddies?

I always take out the shells...

I hate to sound really stupid but do I just reach under her and take them out?

That's what I do. I'm sure the shells don't hurt anything to be under momma for a while, but they probably get in the way and might break and make a mess under there. Easier to take out while they're still in big pieces. My broodies are pretty calm, though. I can reach under them, lift them up and move the eggs around how I want and they don't peck. but yeah, you don't have to wait for night or anything like that.
you don't have to wait to hold the chicks really, but they should spend most of the time under momma so she gets used to them.
i cant wait they will hatch sometime this week
We have one chick so far! OMG! I'm a new baby chicken mommy! LOL

I started out with four eggs, but I broke one. I felt horrible about that. We were about half way through, so I didn't replace that egg. On about day 4 my mother mistakenly brought in one of the hatching eggs, and left a freshly laid egg. I didn't notice it right away, but when I did I threw out the hatching egg and left her with the fresh egg. Hopefully, today #2 will hatch and then the third should be along shortly.

I can't wait to show my son the new baby!
It's taking sooooo long here LOL. This Saturday will be day 14 for me.. Hopefully the two that are developing will hatch or one of my two is going to be motherless
One egg under each is developing... I will be candling again tonight to see whats going on under there.
OK, strange situation now. I have my broody in the juvenile pen just like I did with my previous broody. They all get along and everything. All is good. Well, the previous broody has decided she's done with babies and wants to be back in the big girl pen. OK, she wasn't paying any attention to her babies anymore and they seemed to be getting along fine without her. They're about 4 weeks now. OK, so I go out there this morning and my broody is off the nest, but sitting on the babies, pecking at all the bigger babies. LOL, what a good momma and she was so cute but... the eggs were cold
I put her back on the nest and she stayed but I don't know how long she was off. The babies are hanging around her nest box so maybe that'll keep her there. Only about 3-4 more days till hatch. Hope all is still welL!
I have an earlie baby!!! None of mine were "supposed" to be due till this weekend. I was setting up a small pen for my bantam who is sitting on 4 eggs I picked her up to move her to a different box so babies could get out and eat and what not and .... one has already hatched!!! I hope she stays on the other three but if not then I have another girl who has been sitting on air for over a week. We throw her out and she goes right back so if my bantam Butchie leaves her eggs we will put them under Tweety. I havent check the other sitting mama yet but she came out to eat this morning and it looked like all of her eggs were still intact.
I hope every one elses hatches are going good so far.
Well, my broody abandoned the nest. I guess it was always a possibility with her being in the nursery. She was ready for the babies and they didn't arrive before that. They're due on Friday and today is Tuesday. I got out the incubator and am trying to get the temperature and humidity right. We'll see if they hatch. If not, I guess that's life. She's very cute caring for those older babies, though

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