She turning into a he???? Oh no!!

I really think that is a hen, don't cull her.

I love that idea!! LOL best suggestion yet!! He and my husband would get along always a wise idea like that!
Well its got a month or so to prove every one wrong unless he/she starts crowing cause hopefully everyone else starts laying soon I guess if it pops out and egg well know for sure!
All of you that said it was a pullet ready to lay I think you are the winners!! I was freaking out thinking oh no I had another roo went out just now to spray the sand in the run so they could get cool and low and behold theres an egg sitting under the coop in the dirt!! Its huge and really light brown so I dont think its from the EE or BR I think I can call her Petunia again!! Yay!!!

I sure hope its hers!! Maybe she'll rub off on the others!!
Haha I know she heard me in here typing so she did hurry it up and laid that huge egg!! Im so excited!! And happy I think my sons even more excited though he just loves the chickens! He had to show ewveryone that came over his egg!lol.

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