She turning into a he???? Oh no!!

mommas chickens

8 Years
Apr 13, 2011
Spring Creek, NV
I bought 3 buff orpingtons the first weekend in March thought I had 2 pullets 1 roo, He started crowing and I culled him out a few weeks ago now one of my pullets is really starting to look roo-ish or is it just me and she(or he) has started doing the neck stretching and open mouth thing my other guy did is it possible hes a late bloomer or is it normal for hens to have combs this big and red my other girls got a small pink comb...please help cause if its a he it needs to go ASAP. Thanks!!

Yes, Orpingtons are notorious in hiding their sex until they are around four to six months of age. The comb usually a dead giveaway. Also, I see some spur buds on his legs as well.

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