shell safe for ducks?

Rachele anne

5 Years
Oct 30, 2014
I'm setting.up the run for my ducks and I'm putting a kitty pool in there and I want to put something around the pool so it doesn't get to muddy and messy .... I wanted to know if I could use crush shell for paving roads or can this harm them if so what should I use?
If it has edges to it I would say no. They could lacerate their feet. You could use pea gravel or sand.
I have had good luck with pea gravel.
If you have a local rock quarry that would be my first stop. But you'll need a truck or trailer for this option though.
Before you put down any kind of rock whether pea gravel or river rock both at Lowes put down landscaping cloth under neath if you don't they will just muck the rock right into the mud and make a huge mess. The landscaping material will keep that from happening and excess water will drain through. just make sure the rock is round and not sharp.

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