Shipping Day old chicks. Hatching Monday 4/22/24 LF Cochin & Silver Laced Wyandotte. Florence, Mississippi


Gentleman Farmer
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Jun 10, 2012
Central, Mississippi
My Coop
My Coop
I bought a few shipping boxes for Day old poultry so I could try shipping them.
If you live in a 1 day or 2 day Priority Mail areas on this map and want to buy some of my chicks let me know.

Priority Mail Maps.jpg

Chicks will be $5/each + actual Priority Mail shipping charge.
Chicks will be sold straight run only and I'm thinking a 10 chick minimum should be safe for the chicks. If you live closer, like in the 1 day area or local pick-up then we can talk about a smaller minimum.

Available chicks: (figuring on an 80% hatch rate)

Silver Laced Wyandotte - 34 chicks
LF Cochin - 34 chicks

I may also have a few Blue Copper Marans (8), BBS Orpington (10), and Black Jersey Giant (5) available.

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