Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

So I went out there when I got home a few days ago carrying the cup that I use to dip the scratch from the bag. They know that cup. I start to sprinkle it around their run and one of the golden comets does the "squat" thing and I was like YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!! throwing scratch her way the whole time. First time one had ever squatted and I knew exactly what that means. Excited I started thinking to myself that I might want to load these girls up with food because they are getting ready to go to work laying eggs. Heck give them a extra serving of scratch. Fill it all the way to the top this time. Get in the refrigerator see what I have in there......Fruit !!!! they are gonna love this. So I shower them with all of this fine food until they are ready to pop thinking to myself they won't have room for eggs they will have to lay them. Excited I hurry home yesterday to count eggs. I grab my scratch cup and head to the run and they all start the group song they sing to me when they see me. I walk into the run and all four golden comet go into "Squatt" position followed by the most perfect egg songs you could ever imagine. It was purely a joy to see. My efforts were paying off. We were seeing eye to eye and the girls were ready to contribute and be productive. I was so proud. The moment I had been waiting for since I got chickens. They were telling me the wait is over. It was like christmas morning when I was a kid. Except this time the excitment was not whats under the christmas tree but the thought of those wonderful eggs in the nest boxes I had waited so long to see. OH.....I better hurry while they are busy eating that super size helping of scratch and they won't see me get the eggs. Egg carton in hand I opened the door to the coop to find two of the plastic easter eggs one yellow and one purple had been ejected from the nest boxes and laying on the floor of the coop. I turned on the light to find four plastic eggs still in the nest boxes and a poop board that was sagging from the massive amount of poop that I had just cleaned the day before. And no eggs. I think they set me up.
So I went out there when I got home a few days ago carrying the cup that I use to dip the scratch from the bag. They know that cup. I start to sprinkle it around their run and one of the golden comets does the "squat" thing and I was like YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!! throwing scratch her way the whole time. First time one had ever squatted and I knew exactly what that means. Excited I started thinking to myself that I might want to load these girls up with food because they are getting ready to go to work laying eggs. Heck give them a extra serving of scratch. Fill it all the way to the top this time. Get in the refrigerator see what I have in there......Fruit !!!! they are gonna love this. So I shower them with all of this fine food until they are ready to pop thinking to myself they won't have room for eggs they will have to lay them. Excited I hurry home yesterday to count eggs. I grab my scratch cup and head to the run and they all start the group song they sing to me when they see me. I walk into the run and all four golden comet go into "Squatt" position followed by the most perfect egg songs you could ever imagine. It was purely a joy to see. My efforts were paying off. We were seeing eye to eye and the girls were ready to contribute and be productive. I was so proud. The moment I had been waiting for since I got chickens. They were telling me the wait is over. It was like christmas morning when I was a kid. Except this time the excitment was not whats under the christmas tree but the thought of those wonderful eggs in the nest boxes I had waited so long to see. OH.....I better hurry while they are busy eating that super size helping of scratch and they won't see me get the eggs. Egg carton in hand I opened the door to the coop to find two of the plastic easter eggs one yellow and one purple had been ejected from the nest boxes and laying on the floor of the coop. I turned on the light to find four plastic eggs still in the nest boxes and a poop board that was sagging from the massive amount of poop that I had just cleaned the day before. And no eggs. I think they set me up.
that's great!! They set you up!! Love it!! next time, check the egg box FIRST!!

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