Should I COOK her? Need your thoughts.......

UPDATE: Still NO EGG! Rhodee will be 9 months old next week and still NO EGG! She still gets in the nest and hangs out awhile and then leaves with nothing left behind....she's stubborn little bitty! LOL!
Did you try giving her red chili? My mother used to feed them red chili when it was time for them to start laying. Also it seems to work after a molt. Give it a try, what have you got to lose?

Sometimes a pullet will reach laying age at the same time as the weather is inducing a moult. Moulting can last as long as 16 weeks. I'd just increase the protein the feed, and wait a little longer.

It has nothing to do with being stubborn. It's all hormones.

She'd not a "bitty", she's a "biddy". If you haven't seen in in print, it's hard to tell from the way people say it, sometimes.

Cayenne pepper is good for chickens. (and anything else, I use it in capsules for colds) I saw on a science channel that birds don't feel the capsacin (the stuff that makes them hot) in peppers like mammals do. But they still get the benefits.
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Another Update: Rhodee still hasn't produced her first egg and she will be 10 months old on Nov 22nd. With the shorter days of winter, is there any hope of her giving me an egg in 2008?

She is not moulting and continues to get in the nest and go through the motions of laying but then NOTHING! I've felt her tummy and it's soft. I'm trying not to give up on her and trying to be patient. My others girls laid like clock work at 5-6 months so I guess I was expecting the same from her too. I had no idea it could take this long or longer.

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