Should I get japanese bantams? Are they much different to Silkies?


7 Years
May 7, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Hi! I'm a Silkie man, I've started a flock of three Silkies in their own coop and run, and I've bought them especially for breeding. The rooster is still young at the moment, so it's useless breeding them now (hopefully he'll be grown up by the end of the year), but one of my two hens has gone broody, so I'm giving her the chance to be a mumma with some fertilized eggs of my parents. She's having fun.

Anyway, sorry. I've seen Japanese bantams advertised in the local classifieds, a trio for $45. I've been thinking about it, because I've got a seperate coop which should hold 4-5 chooks. Would the Japanese bantams be good to breed? Do they go broody very often? Are they much different to Silkies?

I haven't been able to find a lot of info about them.... so anything else, I would really appreciate it.

I'm only asking because I was thinking of actually looking for a trio of ducks, to breed them and see what they're like (because we've never had ducks). But now that I've seen these Japanese bantams, I'm having second thoughts. I'm told I shouldn't get ducks though, my dad reckons their poop is as big as a dogs!" :p hahaha.

Thank you! :)
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Do the chicken math! Why wouldn't you get them?! ;)
Your new chickens are lovely! I keep only Japanese Bantams. I used to have some silkies. I think they are very different in their temperament to each other.

Good job you did not get ducks. I have ducks, but they are totally free range on a small lake at the back of my property. They are really messy and smelly if you keep them in a pen. I will try to answer you questions about the Japanese Bantams -

The Japanese Bantams will go broody often and are usually really good mums, but they can only hatch out a few eggs as they are so small.

They seem more 'intelligent' than silkies in terms of spotting and avoiding dangers and predators. My silkies use to fall in my pond and also very slow to react to things like dogs or birds of prey.

They can and do fly really well - and I mean fly like real birds, not just fly up to a tree! If something spooks them they are off over the house roof into the woods, but they always come home. You can easily clip their wings if you don't want to chance them escaping.

If you handle them from chicks they will be just as friendly as silkies, but they won't sit on your lap a long time as its too boring for them! Even adult ones like yours will get tame quickly if you keep offering them treats from you hand, and also start picking them up a lot.

They are much more lively and much faster than silkies and they are more active - very interesting to watch them.

The roosters seem to get on well together as long as they have space

If its too wet and muddy they will get dirty - not that they care. This is because their wings drag on the ground as they have such short legs. So keep them in a covered run or use sand or a wire grill on the bottom of their coop so dropping fall through.

Here are pics of some of my ones - they are the breed perfect for me! Oh and the eggs are good to eat too - just need more as they are small!

Wow, yours look fantastic! Do you show your birds? They are amazing...

I can't wait for mine to start breeding! Hopefully they have some good little babies. I'm not interested in showing them or anything, I just thought I'd breed them for fun, as a hobby, and sell them for low-low prices :p

I've heard that they are actually your best friend, they will fly up on your shoulder (once they get to know you) and stay there while you go around and do jobs and stuff.

Thanks for all the info! It will definately come in handy :D
Thanks for saying they are nice! I don't show them. I started with 3 and then added 2 more from a different supply. I just let them keep breeding as I love to see what colour the chicks will be. I keep letting them breed and raise chicks, then sell the young adult birds (or give them away). I keep the ones I like the colour and shape of the most. Then let them breed together. Now most have the short legs, but sometimes I get a really long legged one!

Some of mine are very tame, others less so. My most friendly one will sit on my hand or shoulder forever if I would let her!

Yours look like they are breeding age, so you can look forward to some chicks soon! Please show us more pics when you do.

Enjoy your chickens!

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