Should I help this chick hatch or it is ok?

As far as I know there isn't anything for assisted hatches or helping an aspirating chick... like i have said before.. each one is an individual case.. and unless we know exactly what the circumstances are for THAT chick it's hard to have just a list of "do this don't do that".. aspirated chicks are the hardest to assist since it's very hard to get ALL of the fluid out of their lungs and also make sure that the person who is doing it is holding them correctly.. it's so very easy to break their neck if done wrong.. in my opinion all i can do for a chick in that situation is to TRY to get out all the fluid.. but there's a good chance that it won't make it anyway since the fluid can cause so many problems
for the antibiotics.. i would go by two or three days depending on the individual chick and it's condition.. the longer they are on them the harder it is on their gut flora... so if the chick is healing nicely and there is no inflammation I will pull them off sooner rather than later and try to get the gut flora built back up as soon as possible

like i told you on the phone.. it's very hard to get all the fluid out... at least you tried and she got to know some kindness before she passed
and now if it ever happens again you will know what to do immediately so hopefully the next one (should it ever happen again) might have a better chance at survival
So take it as a learning experience and don't beat yourself up over it.. just keep telling yourself that no one can save every single chick.. but at least you tried and you learned something from it
Update for me! About 12:30am we finally got #2 out of the shell. I left the end part on because it seemed like it probably needed to dry up and fall off alone. It hasn't moved much but is still very much alive. I'm hoping it is just exhausted. My other four eggs still have not pips but candling yesterday showed movement.
baby chicks sleep alot.. just like any other baby .. i know a lot of people worry when a newly hatched chick lays there.. but hatching is hard work... I always give them a little sugar water or electrolyte water as a bit of a energy boost after they have been out for a day.. it doesn't hurt a healthy chick and it helps the slower ones to have the extra energy they need.. plus it helps stimulate their appetite

like i told you on the phone.. it's very hard to get all the fluid out... at least you tried and she got to know some kindness before she passed
and now if it ever happens again you will know what to do immediately so hopefully the next one (should it ever happen again) might have a better chance at survival
So take it as a learning experience and don't beat yourself up over it.. just keep telling yourself that no one can save every single chick.. but at least you tried and you learned something from it

She got so much better immediately after I did what you said to do. Her chirp came back and sounded normal again and she no longer was gasping and didnt sound like she still had fluid on her lungs when she was breathing. Then just a couple of hours later she went from walking around and seeming like any newborn chick, she went right back to gasping and i could hear a rattle when she breathed :-/ I tried it again but nothing was coming back up.. I just wish she would have held her head up out of the shell! The pipped area was def large enough to have her beak fully out of danger :-(
she had zipped half way across..
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like i told you on the phone.. it's very hard to get all the fluid out... at least you tried and she got to know some kindness before she passed
and now if it ever happens again you will know what to do immediately so hopefully the next one (should it ever happen again) might have a better chance at survival
So take it as a learning experience and don't beat yourself up over it.. just keep telling yourself that no one can save every single chick.. but at least you tried and you learned something from it

She got so much better immediately after I did what you said to do. Her chirp came back and sounded normal again and she no longer was gasping and didnt sound like she still had fluid on her lungs when she was breathing. Then just a couple of hours later she went from walking around and seeming like any newborn chick, she went right back to gasping and i could hear a rattle when she breathed :-/ I tried it again but nothing was coming back up.. I just wish she would have held her head up out of the shell! The pipped area was def large enough to have her beak fully out of danger :-(

there could have been something else wrong with her then.. we will never know for sure.. but sometimes they just don't make it despite our best efforts
No external pips this morning but someone sure is working hard in there cause you can hear all kinds of tapping :)
Then perhaps we could have an "ASK YINEPU" button for instant access to YOU! :)

We're just all so appreciative for you. Thats all we are really trying to say. You are amazing for devoting so much of your time to helping random ppl everyday and teaching us how to save as many as we can.

I do understand that every situation is different though.

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