Should I help this chick hatch or it is ok?

Then perhaps we could have an "ASK YINEPU" button for instant access to YOU! :)

We're just all so appreciative for you. Thats all we are really trying to say. You are amazing for devoting so much of your time to helping random ppl everyday and teaching us how to save as many as we can.

I do understand that every situation is different though.

i don't take thanks and praise very well.. to me helping out is just something we should all try to do when we can.. not for the thanks or anything that goes with it.. but just because it's "the right" thing to do.. and i dunno.. maybe it helps to make the world a better place to live if we just try to help out when we can
so if i can help someone.. then maybe in turn they will help someone.. who ends up helping someone else.... kinda like a domino effect...
Here's a picture of some of the babies that have survived this drama filled hatching week! Should have at least 4 more.. they're rockin & peepin!
I think there are 16 total :)

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They are beautiful! Congratulations!

My little one is still alive but not standing. I dont' think all of the yoke obsorbed. I'm thinking about giving it a little sugar water.

I actually cried a bit ago looking at it. I want to be able to hatch healthy babies so bad! I pray he lives!
That is the same with mine. It looks like it is sleeping. I'm wondering if there is any hope??? Did you give antibiotics to yours? How long is it supposed to take to absorb that yolk. Mine is still swollen and has some dried up stuff at the opening. I pick it up and give it some water with electrolytes every few hours. It isn't breathing as heavy and the beak isn't opening and closing like earlier, don't know if that is a good sign. Hope your little guy recovers.
I haven't given any antibiotics. I'm hoping they both survive. It might be my only chick. I'm going to try some sugar water. It is actually more active than it was this morning but still not trying to stand.
sounds like it's relaxing.. keep an eye on where the yolk sack was.. if you have any neosporin apply a little to that area.. and keep on with the sugar /electrolyte water

the "scab" at the yolk sack should fall off on it's own once the area closes up.. so lets keep our fingers crossed that he responds well to your treatment
can you tell if it can't stand because of weak leg muscles or because of a weak chick?

I would keep on with the sugar water for a few days with this one as well.. maybe add a little hard boiled egg yolk to the water (make it runny) when you go to give him the next dose
I have a chick that I candled last night that was internally pipped and it still hasnt started its external pip.. however its still peeping when i pick it up... is it ok to be in there that long? how long will the oxygen in the air sac last?
its usually 24 hours from internal to external.. if they are internally pipped for more than 24 hours i poke a small home and see whats going on.. usually they need a little help like just a moist cloth wrapped around.. but sometimes it's worse
its usually 24 hours from internal to external.. if they are internally pipped for more than 24 hours i poke a small home and see whats going on.. usually they need a little help like just a moist cloth wrapped around.. but sometimes it's worse

I am not sure when it pipped internally I just finally got to candle them last night.. I dont know why but my rockers have been rocking for a good long time now.. seems like theyre just taking forever!

i would LOVE for it to pip and be a 10 minute zipper!! somebodys been hammerin away in there.. just no progress all day..

oh! and my lil man was bumpin chests with another chick today.. haha it was so funny and cute :) i think he's gonna be a lil orpington :)
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