Should I help?


Mar 31, 2015
I have a hen sitting on eggs and so far I've had 3 chicks and 1 duck hatch out and they are great but I've got another egg that has pipped and the chick has popped off about half of the shell but the membrane is still intact except for the tiny hole that the chick poked through initially. The membrane looked like it was drying out so I took some warm water and a Q-Tip and moistened the membrane so hopefully the chick could get out but it hasn't made any progress since last night. I moistened it again and I can see blood vessels still rather full in the membrane but I'm really worried about this chick getting shrink wrapped. Thoughts?
Looks like I needn't have worried when I picked her up to put the vaseline on she popped out into my hand. Now she's back under mom to fluff up and join her hatchmates.

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