Should I let my pullet roam freely?


Jun 8, 2015
I have a single, fairly small pullet (I am unable to acquire more). I keep her in a roomy coop and she definitely seems happy enough, but I was wondering if it would be safe to let her roam my yard freely during the day.

I haven't seen any dogs around my yard, only the occasional cat (one who fears ducklings, at that.) there are no bald eagles where I live, but there are Hawks and the very rare fox. I'd lock her up in her coop at night.

Rosie is about 12 weeks old and about the length of an iPad. I would estimate about 15 ounces. Needless to say, she's small, but quite feisty and it definitely seems like she could defend herself quite well against predators. She can also fly quite well and her claws are untrimmed.

Being the overprotective mother, however, I am unsure. Any thoughts would be appreciated
She is still of a size where she is very vulnerable to hawk attack. If hungry enough they will try and sometimes kill full size chickens. If she were mine, I would only allow monitored free range.

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