should I line my nesting box with HAY or STRAW?

We have pine shavings on the coop floor and in the nest box. We had put some straw in the nest box to make it softer and they pulled it all out. They are laying everyday now and don't seem to mind the shavings.
My father in law told me not to use straw/hay in the boxes because mites can live in the hollows and are hard to get rid of.
Don't know if it's true, but I bought a bale of pine shavings and with just four boxes now, it will last me a couple of years.

I have one that sleeps in a next box and the shavings also make it easy to clean out, I use a clamp thingie that was probably a kitchen tool of some sort in another life.

I don't put anything on the floor, makes it super easy to clean
Our differences are what make us interesting...
I use straw with a sheet of cardboard under it so that it is extra soft. Sometimes they like to make such a nest that they go down to the wood and I don't want their eggs to break on the hard surface.
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As far as for winter warmth, I was told that straw is superior to hay because it is hollow and makes better insulation. If you don't have a 'cold' issue, I guess it would not matter much.
REALLY!!??? Those are for aquariums! HA! I thought they'd be too prickley, but I guess not.

LOLOL... most folks think I am crazy when I tell them I line by nests with astroturf. In reality, they are easy to clean, reusable and I have no mites/pest problems. I do sprinkle a heavy pour of DE into the mat which keeps the bugs to a minimum. The mat I have is a floor mat that came from a big box store that I cut into 2 pieces to line milk crates; simple, cheap, lifetime warranty and effective!

BTW, got another egg again today in the nest box
What is DE? I'm on my first flock, just started getting eggs and I'm trying Hay in the boxes. Only one is laying in the box so far, the rest are laying down the hill

I have not decided if I will use DE yet. I am weighing the pros and cons and think I will wait until it is needed, like if they get lice.

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