Should I still buy grit or can I save a couple dollars?


8 Years
Apr 19, 2011
Walbridge, Ohio
When I get some birds, they will be kept in a chicken tractor something like the one posted on My BYC Page. I read the FAQ thread regarding grit and saw the photo that was posted (the one balancing an egg) and I was surprised how large grit was compared to what I thought.

So here's my question:

This is a couple photo's of the size of stone our driveway is made of.



Will it be efficient as a grit for my chickens? Does it matter WHAT kind of stone they eat? I ask because I read that true chicken grit is granite...

Also, they wouldn't be able to have free access to the driveway whenever, since they'll be "tractored"... so I figured I'd keep a feeder full of grit and stone from the driveway kept in the coop. Thanks for the help, in advance!
That driveway grit is fine - it's natural!!! Rock is different in different regions and chickens have been doing just fine for years. Save your $.
If they aren't free-range, I'd buy them grit at the feed store. But that is just me. Everyone has differing opinions.

Driveways get alot of runoff on them from your vehicles. And who knows where they trucked the gravel in from. But I guess the same might be said of what you buy in the store.
I provide cherry stone grit for my layers but they seem to like to pick up stone on the shoulders of the road better! I bought the bag 15 years ago and there is still some in it! I just cut it open and let it sit in the anteroom of the coop in an old cat box. IT's there if they want it! Terri O
I thought of this, too. So when I pull it for them, I won't be taking it from areas where the cars are usually parked. We also have a huge pole barn with the same stuff (if not a little finer) that I know hasn't had anything contaminate it, per say.

Okay good point. I think I'm over thinking it.

Not really. It's great that you're doing your research before getting chickens.
I have never given grit to my chickens. They free range as well so unless they start having problems, I assume they are ok. Like you I went through the do I or don't I give grit stage and until I no longer have pebbles in the ground for them to eat then they won't have grit. Save some money.

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