Should I switch from layer to grower? Hens not laying


Feb 24, 2022
My chickens are not laying- I have 4 Rhode Island mixes under 2 years- between the 4 of them I get an egg maybe every 2nd or 3rd day
I have a maran who is almost 1 and had never laid. I have a silkie 2 years and a polish hen same age as the maran and from those 2 I’m getting an egg maybe every 2nd day. I have 2 younger silkies approx 7 months not laying yet.
I have another polish hen the same age as the one who is occasionally laying but she has never laid and I have 3 Pekin hens 2 are approx 10 months and one is around 6 months all not laying.
I switched to layers feed for them thinking they’d start to lay with the brighter days but They’re not. Worried that the layers feed could start to cause problems when they are not laying.
Should I switch everyone to grower?
Is it a suitable feed for older hens? Would the option of crushed egg shells on the side be enough calcium for the girls who are laying or should I add something else?

They’re on red mills layer pellets- the grower feed would be the same brand treats are less than 10%
Too much Calcium is a problem that would build up over time. With the make up of your flock you would be ok to continue with the layer if that is what works for you. I'm not familiar with the brand you are using but most brands have the minimum protein amount of 16 percent. Switching back to grower or an All flock would provide more protein and asure there is no calcium buildup. Crushed egg shells would be a good start for calcium for the layers, but they will need more than just their own to keep up. I would supply oyster shells as well.
man i feed my chickens whatever the local store has, scratch mixed with layer, but i do free roam them in my acre+ fenced yard ...couple of ideas to think about, chickens love routine the more solid the better, break that routine and it affects how regular they lay .. if they feel threatened or in danger or their food supply isnt stable. or regular or just aggravated, it affects them .. theyre sensitive, especially to you, the master of their routine .. imo 'you' need to control the amt of food, when they are fed, give them refular treats by hand and put them up at night, in a routine ... and itl work .. i have 5 layers atm after a vicious hawk attack several months ago, 2 are old 5y+ old gals and i get aporoximately an 18 pack a week right now .. pretty decent considering its cold atm ... and i got a fresh batch of youngins comin up for spring inc'ed um myself ...
My chickens are not laying- I have 4 Rhode Island mixes under 2 years- between the 4 of them I get an egg maybe every 2nd or 3rd day
I have a maran who is almost 1 and had never laid. I have a silkie 2 years and a polish hen same age as the maran and from those 2 I’m getting an egg maybe every 2nd day. I have 2 younger silkies approx 7 months not laying yet.
I have another polish hen the same age as the one who is occasionally laying but she has never laid and I have 3 Pekin hens 2 are approx 10 months and one is around 6 months all not laying.
I switched to layers feed for them thinking they’d start to lay with the brighter days but They’re not. Worried that the layers feed could start to cause problems when they are not laying.
Should I switch everyone to grower?
Is it a suitable feed for older hens? Would the option of crushed egg shells on the side be enough calcium for the girls who are laying or should I add something else?

They’re on red mills layer pellets- the grower feed would be the same brand treats are less than 10%
I'd switch to a higher protein feed like a grower.
Also, is there a chance you have an "egg eater".
I had 2 Marans once who were eating eggs, once I culled them I had plenty of eggs again.
Both the layer and the grower have insufficient levels of protein, I'd switch to a feed with at least 17% protein if you can find it.
The only other option is chick crumb which is 20% protein.
All stores in my area only carry the one brand of feed- I can technically get other brands but it would double my feed costs due to shipping. Charges for shipping is per bag
Too much Calcium is a problem that would build up over time. With the make up of your flock you would be ok to continue with the layer if that is what works for you. I'm not familiar with the brand you are using but most brands have the minimum protein amount of 16 percent. Switching back to grower or an All flock would provide more protein and asure there is no calcium buildup. Crushed egg shells would be a good start for calcium for the layers, but they will need more than just their own to keep up. I would supply oyster shells as well.
The layer and grower are both 15%
Only option for extra protein is chick crumb at 20% protein
I'd switch to a higher protein feed like a grower.
Also, is there a chance you have an "egg eater".
I had 2 Marans once who were eating eggs, once I culled them I had plenty of eggs again.
I can’t say for sure I don’t have an egg eater but I’ve never noticed a mess from eggs being eaten and the amount of eggs seems consistent.
man i feed my chickens whatever the local store has, scratch mixed with layer, but i do free roam them in my acre+ fenced yard ...couple of ideas to think about, chickens love routine the more solid the better, break that routine and it affects how regular they lay .. if they feel threatened or in danger or their food supply isnt stable. or regular or just aggravated, it affects them .. theyre sensitive, especially to you, the master of their routine .. imo 'you' need to control the amt of food, when they are fed, give them refular treats by hand and put them up at night, in a routine ... and itl work .. i have 5 layers atm after a vicious hawk attack several months ago, 2 are old 5y+ old gals and i get aporoximately an 18 pack a week right now .. pretty decent considering its cold atm ... and i got a fresh batch of youngins comin up for spring inc'ed um myself ...
They have a pretty big enclosure- we are not free ranging due to mandatory lock ups but their enclosure has plenty to peck at.
They have a feeder with pellets and I also scatter pellets mixed with treats in the mornings.
I don’t think they feel threatened. They put themselves to bed every evening at the same time.
The only other option is chick crumb which is 20% protein.
All stores in my area only carry the one brand of feed- I can technically get other brands but it would double my feed costs due to shipping. Charges for shipping is per bag
My pullets have already been integrated into the flock so I feed my flock chick feed with calcium on the side for the layers. You don't want to feed your flock layer feed if you have any that aren't laying.Calcium is only needed for the hens that are laying.I throw a little dry cat in the run every day because its high in protein.

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