Should my ducks breast be looking full?


8 Years
Jun 3, 2014
I'm a relatively new Duck mummy, my now 7-8 week old little girl khaki Campbell has just started going out with the other ducks (3rd day today) and last night spent her first night with them in their house.
This morning when I let them out I noticed her breast looked quite full, but thought nothing of it because she's been wandering around outside eating worms slugs and anything else... (she had fresh corn too) but I wondering surely it should have gone down (like a chickens crop does) or is this normal because she's just started eating 'other' stuff as well as her chick feed? she sometimes steals the other ducks pellets too.
she's certainly seems happy enough, am I just being over cautious?
do you mean the crop? just trying to be on the same page. Do they have access to grit? most of my ducks free range but still i offer free choice grit to ensure everyone gets what they need.


Pics would be great too!



Hi, yes I do mean crop and I give them (the older ones) crushed oyster shells in their food, is my girl to young for the shells? I've taken some photos just got to figure out how to get them up loaded...!!!
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