Show me your FANCIEST roosters!!!!!

They are all beautiful!

Here's mine. He probably doesn't qualify as fancy, but he's they only one I have

23wk Buff Orpington cockerel (hatchery).


Tommy, an American Game. He's got in more tail feathers since this picture, he's about 4 months old and already a beauty. He has purple tones on his wings which I just find lovely!

Marquis, salmon Faverolles. I'll have to get a better one of him

Mr. N.B. Fabulous, Silkie rooster with a hilariously incorrect comb. He can't see out of his right eye because of it. Also, he stands on his tippy-toes when he crows!

Don't know if they count as fancy, but they're my most interesting boys!
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My EE roo he was suppose to be a she, since we're not allowed roos. But I really liked him so I made a Seperate coop and have him at a friend's house.
These are some very handsome gentlemen we have here!

This is my champion Buckeye rooster "Gimli" named after the dwarf in lord of the rings. He's as sweet as he is pretty.

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