show me your pics

That very picture of Speckledhens Silver Lace Wyandottes sitting together is what made me get some eggs to hatch. Out of 13 I got 2, but hey, I GOT TWO! Here they are at just 2 days old!

My barred Rock roo is looking good too. He's 6 weeks old.
Here are some of my new chickens! the first one is Snowflake, a bantam frizzle cochin hen. Second is Rose, the same breed as Snowflake. The third is one of my araucanas, Caramel.


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Yeah they are cool! I spent $21 a chicken for those 2. You can get them much cheaper, but I got them at a chicken auction for the FFA so people bid high on the chickens because the money goes to a good cause.
Scott, Foghorn beat me to the punch, but those are Silver Laced Wyandottes. I call them the Wyandotte Sisters. One of them does have a flaw, a single comb in place of a rose comb, but she lays huge eggs, so she's forgiven! They are very sweet girls.

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