Show me your poison ivy/oak tips??


12 Years
Aug 13, 2007
near Charlotte NC
Well, this weekend was the first Sat in a long time that the temps weren't in the 90 degree it was time to take down the Douglas Fir in the front yard.

That tree was a root-ball christmas tree set out by the people who lived here before us. I was looking at the apprasal pics when we first moved in here and it was about 6.5 ' high at that point. Fast forward about 15 years and it was at least 20-30 ft tall and had a huge footprint. Alas, the last few years dry weather, coupled with a HUGE and I mean HUGE poison oak vine growing up the trunk and the tree was dying a slow death. Time to fire up the chain saw and prepare to take off about 15 strands of Christmas lights as we went.

And...of course, despite cautions I ended up with poison oak. I've got one of those nasty water blister looking things on my arm and I'm itching like $^*&^%#$.

I'm using benadryl topical gel. I think I've overdosed on it by now... they say 4 x per day.. try about 8x...

Anyway, anybody got good treatment tips other than the usual calamine/benadryl gels and wait it out?
Oh, that sounds miserable! Have you tried Aveeno oatmeal bath. Maybe you could soak your arm in a pan of that mixture. When my daughter had chicken pox at age 2 (she's now 26) they were so, so bad. Even had them in parts that never see the sunshine, if you know what I mean. I practically kept her in an Aveeno bath 24/7 until they dried up. That's the only thing I can think of right now.
Here's a website that might help:|1128156804

just MIL uses Clorox on a cotton ball and dabs it on several times a day. I've used it and it really does work.

Also found dabbing white vinegar, rubbing with Vicks Vapo-Rub and washing with Fels-Naptha soap.

Two more: apple cider vinegar and wet the area and rub with table salt as often as needed.

Phew! I'm done now. Someone else's turn!

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Any acid type to dry out the infection. The oil under the skin when it is exposed to skin, spreads the infection (thus don't scratch). I've had NO luck w/over the counter remedies. I'm better off w/bleach, alcohol, etc. Or finally giving up, going to Dr for shot.

I've also used anti-persperant deoderants w/great success. (My spelling is bad)...
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Pricey-but worth every penny and you will be clearing in a few hours and significantly better overnight.

If you can't find it--find something that mentions Urushiol on the label--Technu is a similar product--but I think Zanfel is the best/
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Run outside and find some English Plantain, crush the leaves and rub the juices on you. Should bring instant relief to the itching/burning.

Looks like this. It's native... like everywhere... you should have it.

I know that NO ONE is going to believe this one but here goes.
Peanut oil. Just rub it on everywhere you have the rash. It will stop itching almost immediately and be gone in no time. I didn't believe it but my mother has sworn by it for years. My oldest son got it about a month ago and it was BAD. I broke down and bought some and within about 3 applications it was healed enough to stop treating it.
Whoa. I wonder if this works for poison wood as well? Cause I'm sick of that big needle in my @$$ everytime my dog rubs his fat head on it.
My friend who works for the forest service says that if you can find a leaf from a fern, take it and rub the leaf on your blisters and it will automatically relieve them. This also works for stinging nettles too.


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