Show me your quail pens!!!

Here are my cages.
I built all three on the left. Top cage has the boys (now one boy and one girl-which I hand raised) the middle has a pair of CPQ's the bottom has 2 female coturnix I was given.
Then the other "house" was given to me by a friend. This will house the chicks (if any eggs hatch).
I also have a rabbit cage on the ground to the right covered with a tarp as it has nothing in it.
Also another big empty cockatoo cage.
I have been trying to breed coturnix but not having great luck at the moment.
I would love a great big walk in avairy but I don't think I will be allowed that at this house... even though there is plenty of room :(
Are there instructions available to build something like this? I need a cage for the quail we are raising as a class.

this is my quail pen/apartments , i bought a 4 shelf from local hardware, then added the rest i had lying around, did use alot of cable ties, want something easy to build, after studing all the pens i saw on this site, its 1200mm wide 400mm deep and approx 380mm height. only have 6 jap quails atm, waiting for chicks to hatch in a week, fingers crossed.
enjoyed that i was wondering about something like that.. i think people could use a old dresser and remove the front from the doors and replace it with hard wear cloth.. it would slide out of course. so you would have to be careful the quail were far enough back inside the dresser door when you opened it to feed etc..

perhaps my idea about this might help some one . who was just about to throw away some old furnature. recycling it into a quail pen might just be some ones answers to a cage problem.

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