Show Me Your Turkey Runs/coops/enclosures!

well, i have some old coups i am rebuilding right now, they are about 11 by 16. ill post some pictures of them before and after. For now one pen will be for some bantam chickens i am getting soon and an order of turkeys i should be getting in a few weeks, i cant wait, im so looking forward to it!! It will be the first time i am ordering turkeys, im getting burbon reds and slate blue's. 10 of each, i will thin them down ((fingers crossed)) to 2 toms and 3 hens for each group.

now as polts should i keep a heat lamp outside for them? i have a brooder 4 x 8 i can clean up for them and enclose fully if i have to. I live in south eastern GA, its in the 50s at night and 75+ during the day.

So I have a question for those who let their turkeys free-range and roost in trees. I just had BBWs last year, but I'm getting Bourbon reds soon. If they can fly and roost in trees, how do you catch them eventually to, um, do the deed? I mean, my fat BBWs followed me around for food and such, but if I reached for them they evaded my touch. Being fat and unable to fly I was able to catch them when I wanted to, but what happens with the "real" turkeys, that can easily keep away from me? I sort of made do with what I had coop-wise for the BBWs last year, but if I can have turkeys that don't need a coop and can hang out in trees, all the better.
I pen my turkeys at night in a converted dog kennel with a corrugated metal roof. I used to let them free range and roost in trees at night but then a bobcat or racoon (not sure which) killed one of my hens.
Heritage turkeys will also follow you around for feed and such. They are harder to catch, but mine like to come right up to me. I train them that I carry food from a young age and they never stop believing it! I had some at first that roosted in the trees. Then sometimes they would roost on the fence. That became a problem due to foxes, and I lost some off of a 4.5 foot high fence during the night. Then I started shooing them into the chicken coop (I used 2 sticks to "herd" them which they do much easier than chickens). it took a lot of persistence, but they finally learned to go into the coop at night. Now with the babies, I start them sleeping indoors right away, at a young age, and they just follow the chickens in there. Much easier for me and less worry then when they slept outdoors, even though it was very cool.
I don't have a photo of the one the turkeys are in, but it's identical to this one but for the nest box being about twenty percent larger and the roosts further apart.




I have five White Midget hens and a tom in that tractor. Gets moved every day.

i dont have a picture but i use a 12x16 shed with about a 400 square foot run on it all dog kennel pannels and i run two hot wires one along the bottom and one alon the top and i keep the top covered with a round bale tarp its big and heavy duty. the run also has a divider i lock the toms out when the hens are broody. they roost in the rafters.i use a 2x4 in 2 cinder blocks for roost outside. have hanging feeders and waterers and i let them nest wherever. i keep them locked up because i live on a small open lot with no trees just my step fathers ham radio tours and i cant have them roosting there.

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