Show Me Your Turkey Runs/coops/enclosures!

Very basic, and looks like all we'll need, could set this up in our chicken yard.
I see the perches for the turkeys in one picture but where
are these situated within the coop ?



They are 21 inches apart and go side/side all the way across, 3 rows back.They start in the middle of the coop and the rows go across and back from there.The area near the doors on the inside I left enough space to hang feeders and waterers far enough away from the roosts to keep the poo out of them.In this pic you can see the piece of 2 x 4 that is where we attached the roosts to.The roosts do not come any further forward from the end of that piece.Nothing fancy but I LOVE the way it functions.We had decided not to do a "ladder" roost system so that it would be easier to rake out the bedding...and man,I wish I had thought of that when building the big chicken coop.



ETA Here is a pic of the ventilation windows we put on the sides...We put those toward the front so no direct draft will hit the birds in winter.We may need to add more but are trying it this way for now.Plus all summer the doors in the front have two big windows with hardware cloth attached by a 2 x 4 frame on the inside with screws...yep! No coons here!
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I have my chickens and turkeys in the same coop/run and am, just now, forseeing issues with the turkey's not being able to get in and out of the chicken door!!

IF I can keep my turkey's alive and well until autumn would it be okay to set up roosts for them in the run (completely secure) and they sleep outside during the night? I'm sure they'll cry out to their old pals.

I wish I had mature trees for one thing for them to roost in at night but also that I was laid back enough to just let them be and not fret about every worry possible.
How high will a heritage turkey fly to roost? I hve only a few mature trees with dead branches well off the ground--hard to gues, maybe 30 feet up.

Can I construct a fake tree using a post with "branches" attached?
How many sq. ft. per bird do you figure on and how high are the roosts? Don't they like the highest ones?

I have 3 BR, 1 Spanish ans 1 Royal Palm. One of the BR's is a tom, the rest are hens.
The coop I have for my turkeys is 8 x 7. I have 21 feet of roost space and (currently) have 12 birds roosting comfortably in it.With 12 HERITAGE turkeys that gives them 4.6 square feet each. They also have a run outdoors. The turkey book I have says to give them 4 square foot each if it is a mixed sex flock and 5 if it is all toms, 3 if it is all hens. The roosts are 3.5 to 4 feet off the floor but if they were higher I think they would like it. I have a few who try to roost at night on the roof of the coop which is 8 foot tall.
I will be adding a roof to the run asap!
I have not had any problems with excessive fighting....only peck order I think it is enough space. I will only be keeping 6 of these after fall so it will get even better.
Hope this helps
One of my 12 week BBW , think 15 pounds and armful, tried for the roof ridge from his pen. He can clear the first 4f feet to get started, but didn't get much higher. A quick lesson on gravity!

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