Show Me Your Turkey Runs/coops/enclosures!

Here's our turkey Hoop House. We did have them in together with the chickens for about 6 month but the turkeys just got too big and were at the age where they were getting ready to mate so we decided to separate them.
wow, been reading here and love it all. Been wanting to do some turkeys someday but fear what I read about turkeys being able to get "blackhead" from chickens...apparently it's FATAL to the turkeys so I'd have to build something and raise them apart from my chickens. I have 13 fully grown chickens and now 10 babies being raised up in a brooder, 4 at 5 days old and 6 at 4 weeks old.
Thanks for all the ideas.
will different breeds get along in the coop and yard?

chicken breeds get along, takes a little while to work out the pecking order but I have 6 different breeds gotten at various ages and They all run as one flock. I do notice that the "types" hang out close together, like the Barred Rocks are always near each other, the Brahmas always near each other etc.
I have Black Spanish, Blue Slates and a Bourbon Red all in the same coop. They get along fine.
I built a 6x8 house with a perch on the inside...they have their own little door that they go in and out to the 10x14 attached pin. I have a light on at night and when it gets dark outside the just go into the house.

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