Show off your Black Australorp

A question about the BA's.

We have 28 pullets with one roo, and the 3 BA's we have are losing feathers on their backs much more than any of the other chickens we have.

I know it's from the rooster treading, but I just wonder why these three are having more of a problem. I thought that with so many girls and one roo we wouldn't have this issue. Do the BA's have lighter feathers? I know they are very fluffy, but so are the Silver Laced Wyandottes. They aren't having this problem.

I'm going to order some hen saddles for the BA's because I think they may start having a problem because of the bare skin...

Are the BA's older than the other pullets? Onyx has lost a lot of feathers simply because she was the first pullet available. (And we had two roosters)
I'll be posting pix of Una (a.k.a. Nipper) soon. She's another hen-raised chick.
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Here's Una. She's a bit over 20 weeks old.

Here's Una and Onyx.

And here's Onyx by herself.

Onyx is really friendly, and loves to be held.
Una is half friendly. She'll eat from my hand, but she won't be picked up without a struggle.
They have different mothers.

My big girl has quite the background, her old owner had her and some other girls in the back of his pickup and she fell off on the major road in front of my house. Being a small town, I knew the owner and contacted him, reporting I had his hen. He told me she was broody and he didn't need her anymore so I could keep her. Luna is quite the mamma's girl and doesn't like other animals around me. She has been in almost every photo with me since i got her. Truely a girl's best friend
Here's Una. She's a bit over 20 weeks old.

Here's Una and Onyx.

And here's Onyx by herself.

Onyx is really friendly, and loves to be held.
Una is half friendly. She'll eat from my hand, but she won't be picked up without a struggle.
They have different mothers.

Are the BA's older than the other pullets? Onyx has lost a lot of feathers simply because she was the first pullet available. (And we had two roosters)
I'll be posting pix of Una (a.k.a. Nipper) soon. She's another hen-raised chick.
Lovely girls!

All of the pullets are the same age, some of them have hard feathers, like the Dark Cornish, but the BA' s seem to have soft, lighter weight feathers than everyone else. Although I'm starting to see some wear and tear on some of the other girls too. I think maybe it's time for a rooster pedicure...

My big girl has quite the background, her old owner had her and some other girls in the back of his pickup and she fell off on the major road in front of my house. Being a small town, I knew the owner and contacted him, reporting I had his hen. He told me she was broody and he didn't need her anymore so I could keep her. Luna is quite the mamma's girl and doesn't like other animals around me. She has been in almost every photo with me since i got her. Truely a girl's best friend
What a sweetie!

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