Show off your chicken names!!!

Current chicks are two 3-week-old mutts, Una and Geronimo. Una because she's got one leg, Geronimo because he's more cannonball than chicken.

Also Sugar and Spice, the 3-month-old silkies. Pretty sure Sugar (white) is a cockerel and Spice (buff) is a pullet. Sugar is super chill, I'm hoping to volunteer with him as a "therapy chicken."

Mixed among our other flock are:

Summer, Joey, Nala, and Duckie the Buff Orpington girls;
Twisty, a Barred Rock "donation" from the neighbors, so named because a cat attack left her with a tail permanently tilting to the left;
Lady, Duchess, and Princess, bantam mixes (Princess is Una and Geronimo's mom);
Snow, a gray bantam mix hen who was much whiter as a chick;
Red, a rooster with a very large comb and wattles;
and McClellan, our head honcho Aracauna mix rooster who we have had for years.

Past chickens have included Patty, Bailey, Freddie, Valentino, Henrietta (who turned out to be a Henry), Little Brown, Whitey, Angel, Maisy, Odessa, Jane, Gracie Marie, September Maple, and (my all-time favorite, rest in peace) Chippy, a spunky Americauna who attacked everything that moved, except me.
This is Leo, my Buff Orpington Roo. He was one of four, but gave the other 3 away.


I have

Benedict, Scrambled, Poached, Sunny, Chip - my sweet buff orpingtons

Oreo (our bestest roo ever) and Cookie who are australorpes

Noah is an easter egger (female - but it just fits)

Bean- not sure yet.. but has an undiagnosed breed and is rocking a mowhawk

my 3 silkies- Ginger, Marilyn (actually a marvin now), and Liz - (who became Lawrence)

I have a rhode island red chick name Pauloa

and a white chick - with black spots - we are calling Mystery
Our first 5 rhode island red chickens were named after the teletubbies. Then after 2 moved on because they were roosters, we renamed our 3 chickens crumby, po and i forgot the other one. Then we got 3 silkie chickens which we named after the character jack sparrow and mitsubishi. Unfortunately mitsubishi died because of a virus. Then we got 4 isa browns whose names were beautiful, random, crazy and wierd. After that we bought gandalf, a rooster so jacksparrow the hen had two chicks that were named pip and zip. They were the last additions to our hosehold so far. We are also planning to get 4 more chicks and we think they are goung to be named after lord of the ring characters
i have three old hens and 20-40 new raise young hens also few young older chicks but there also 6 roosters & also 8 new chicks as well too.but one red rooster hasn't got are name yet

rain cloud
rusty Jr
red wine
and all others they have not got names yet ether i don't you all come some names for 8 chicks i would love best names for them and maybe older 5 chicks as well too.
Oh my that might be difficult. I guess maybe the barring when they get older might look different and perhaps sizewise, but that will be tough.

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