Show off your chicken names!!!

we named this cockeral Goose just because its funny
Not all my chickens have been named but for those who have been named, either individually or collectively, the names are:
The Scarborough Faire Spice Girls:
Parsley (NH hen)
Sage (NH hen)
Rosemary (BR hen)
Thyme (NH hen) (Took the time, once only, at 7 months to go broody and hatch chicks.)

The Pumpkin Pie Spice Girls:
Ginger (EE hen)
Cinnamon (EE hen)
Nutmeg (EE hen)
Clove (EE hen)

Additional Spice Girls:
Saffron (NH hen) (We also called her Mellow Yellow.)
Cumin (NH hen)

Mr. Milquetoast (BR rooster) (Wonderful rooster in my avatar.)
Lennon (NH rooster) (aka Lenin from The Good Life/Good Neighbors) (He wanted to give peace a chance.)

Offspring of Lennon and NH hen:
BC (NH rooster) (aka Big Comb and Thing One)
LC (NH rooster) (aka Little Comb and Thing Two)

Offspring of Mr. Milquetoast and one of the Spice Girls (but not Rosemary):
The Lone Ranger (rooster)
The young flock (one rooster and four hens)
Two of the Three Stooges

The Three Stooges (3 roosters who mostly get along - includes BR from the farmer who incubated some eggs for us.)

We have not yet considered names for 14 chicks hatched 20 May 2014 purchased from Ideal (8 NH pullets, 2 BR pullets, and 4 white Silkie bantams).
My D'uccles are called Chub Chub (she was really fat when we got her) and Ash
I have a Pekin named April and a Wyandotte rooster named Rapha.
Might be getting another pullet which will be called Ginny.
I only have a few of mine named. Jenny (NN) and Maggie (white EE) were rescues and came with those names. The only one I've named is Dinky (BA) because she's extremely tiny compared to the rest of my chickens.
I just love all these names! My chicks are due to hatch next week. I have a theme picked out:
(and Chivas and Balvenie are also possibilities, but not planning on that many!)

My coop name?
Whiskey a GoGo!
Oh man, have I got some names for you!

Marilyn, Harriet, Lou the Voyageur, Lavinia, Scabby Abby, Caterpillar, Puck, Scone, Fig, Sour Cream, Bijou, Bruce, John, Jemima, Elvis, Joplin, Buffy Saint-Marie, Sausage... The list goes on but as you can see I have many many chickens and such

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