Show off your chicken names!!!

The Lucky Seven of Rancho Relaxo's Home For Wayward Fowl
Barred Rocks

The Ringleaders:
Wicked Wanda and Aunt Betty

The Muscle Girls:
Buzz, Dizzy and Rooster (their street names - no one knows their real names)

The Delicate Go Along With The Crowd Girls:
Bettina and Henrietta
My chickedees names are Lacy (Domonique), Ebony (SLW), Victoria (BA), and our new roosters name is Bently (Red Bantam Cochin). My teen age chickens names are Caramel (EE), Boots (Blue Bantam Cochin), Ophelia (Mix), Fluer (Mix), and Benjamin (Mix). My two others young roos don't have names.
Our RIR is named Lucy (after Lucille Ball, of course), we have Cookie (an Australorp) and Lola (Buff Orpington). But my favorite name has to be my son's BR: Princess Leia N'Egg.
(and, in case you were wondering, this is what a tiny Jedi chicken looks like!)
I have 10 BR chick's. Only named my favorite Roo. He is Dave.

Getting 2 Lavender Orp chicks next weekend. If they end up roo/pullet they will be Johnny & June.

Blackie (Black Sex-link)
Mary Lou (Barred Rocks)
Ophelia (SL Wyandottes)

And the new baby silkies: Salt (Splash) Pepper (Lavender split) Cinnamon (Partridge) silkie names courtesy of my little sister
I'm going to rename them when they get bigger.
We have two RIR: Sweety and Cinnamon
Two BR: Shreek and (undecided)
A Polish: Dandelion
A Self Blue Banty: Bella Blue
Banty: Snowflake
EE: Summer
General (Roo)
Hello Kitty(Roo) DD's
and still have one with no name....
We haven't named everybody yet, but we have a few.

Buff Orps: Sunshine, Daffodil, Goldie and Ariel
Ameracaunas: Lucky (because my 4 year old told the cashier we were buying a Leprechauna,
), Cleo (short for Cleopatra because she looks like she has Egyptian eyeliner on), and Charlotte
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte: Violet. Because blue and red make purple, but Purple is a silly name for a chicken.

Not named yet:

5 Barred Rocks
2 Silver Laced Wyandottes

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