Show off your creative ideas!!!


11 Years
Jul 26, 2012
I need some ideas for feeders and waterers for when I build my new coop. I just wanted everyone to share their creations so others can draw inspiration from them. Thank you in advance!!!!
Non spill would be great , I am alittle hesitant on the nipple system, maybe I need more info on it. Although looking at that one and reading on how to install and the price it looks promising..
I have a five gallon bucket hanging from the ceiling with three nipples in bottom - no poop gets in and they work great (that's inside the coop). I have a vinegar bottle with two nipples in it outside that works ok but when I put a dog dish with water out, they all flock there for a bigger drink of water. So I broke down and put another standard water feeder outside and they really do prefer it over the nipple system. But I still think the big container in the coop works good because you don't have to worry about running out, getting poop in it or some chicken stepping on it and spilling the water. I also used a five gallon bucket with three holes cut in the sides for feed to drop down. I attached the bucket to a large plastic flower pot saucer-works great and cheap. I attached the whole thing to a piece of approximately six inch wood round to get it off the ground. Good luck.
I have a five gallon bucket hanging from the ceiling with three nipples in bottom - no poop gets in and they work great (that's inside the coop). I have a vinegar bottle with two nipples in it outside that works ok but when I put a dog dish with water out, they all flock there for a bigger drink of water. So I broke down and put another standard water feeder outside and they really do prefer it over the nipple system. But I still think the big container in the coop works good because you don't have to worry about running out, getting poop in it or some chicken stepping on it and spilling the water. I also used a five gallon bucket with three holes cut in the sides for feed to drop down. I attached the bucket to a large plastic flower pot saucer-works great and cheap. I attached the whole thing to a piece of approximately six inch wood round to get it off the ground. Good luck.
Love the ideas, do you have pics ? I want to get a feel for the feeder sounds wonderful and I have all those materials on hand
I made a PVC continuous feeder. My husband secured the 4 inch PVC pipe to a stud by screwing metal straps into the stud and then tightening the straps around the pipe. The pipe rests about 1/2 in. above a high end kitty litter pan which is screwed into the stud about 8 inches above the ground. A cap is placed on the top end of the pipe to keep the feed clean. The litter pan is kept full with feed and the chickens can't tip it over or poop in it. We got the instructions from The Chicken Chick website. You can also use smaller pipes and pans for grit or oyster shells too. Here's a picture.
I Love it. What a great idea using a kitty litter pan. It sort of looks like one of those corner style pans they use for ferrets, is that what it is?
I was gettting everything at the Tractor Supply, I still shop there. But, I found that the feed, oyster shells, and grit was a fraction of the cost at my local feed store. Go figure, this place is just down the road from me, run by a single women in her 60's. She sells Nutrena products, but can order just about anything for you. I was paying nearly $6 for a 5# bag of Chick starter feed at the Tractor Supply and she sells it to me for $18 for 50#. Huge savings. Who would have thought that such a small operation could sell anything so much cheaper than a company that buys in volume.

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