Show off your mutts!!!

It looks like she has a bit of gold-laced something in her
Wow! Thanks for posting up your pictures!! These mutts are absolutely lovely!! Keep 'em coming!
Goodness, that is a strange looking bird, but my gosh he/she is absolutely amazing! Look at all those colors!!! I have one of my own right now that seems to be a mix of a bunch of random breeds. Here he is right now at about 3 months.



He's not quite as fancy as your bird, but he does have quite a few colors!
I have an Easter Egger rooster that is REd, White and Blue. Yes that right.
He hatched out as a yellowish looking chick as he grew he developed some red. I decided to keep him ans then some of his tail feathers started turn a grayish-blue color. I call him The All American.
Goodness, that is a strange looking bird, but my gosh he/she is absolutely amazing! Look at all those colors!!! I have one of my own right now that seems to be a mix of a bunch of random breeds. Here he is right now at about 3 months.

He's not quite as fancy as your bird, but he does have quite a few colors!

Is that a Buttercup comb?

sorry i haven't been on this post in a while!! And yes draye it appears to be a buttercup comb. :] He's got a lot more orange and blue now, I need to take more pictures!

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