Show off your Old English Game Bantams!!

What do you guys think of these OEGB?

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Here's my lil girl Chippett OESD - She's such a sweet bird likes to come say hi - I thought this picture wound up cute of her looking at my fiance like "what?"

We just recently hatched some what we call Duckle babies (Duckwing/D'Uccle) - for 2 years I've been trying to get babies from my Duckwings, but no luck as we had to keep getting rid of highly aggressive roo's and finally I have 3 Duckles =)

Shockingly only 1 baby came out all white, with black - 1 is darker red top here & another that is in a tank, is a light shade of red.... so I'm looking forward to see how they look - These guys are now 3 weeks or lil more and the white one is going to be a Rooster =)

They have fluffy feet, which I just love & tiny poofy faces which will be interesting for a Duckwing

Yes they are crossed, but I dont care, the color mixing and breed will bring a new mix to my duckwings ;)

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