show quality speckled sussex ??

Cackle right?? Prettiest Darn Leghorns Ive ever seen!!!
Cackle right?? Prettiest Darn Leghorns Ive ever seen!!!

Hey heres a thought next time they decide to send ya the "SPECIAL" Brown leghorns tell them to include us some boys too.

Seriously though they look alot like my girls!
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I have one suggestion for you after they go through the Juve molt. Look at the feather shafting you have going on now, and after the molt look and see if it disappears. The shafting is where the quill appears to be real light and is a fault if it does not leave with the first molt.
Hello All, I have been looking back at some of the SS from Cackle and they seem to not be very uniform in type and color. I was just wondering how big of flock they are using for breeders. If they have a large flock it would help explain the variation.

Another thing to keep in mind is you will have more white in wing and tail on the male SS than you will on the Female SS. I would recommend only using the Dark colored SS until we can develop some good breeding flock to work with in the future.

If anyone finds someone that has SS where the males are Dark with less white please let everyone in on where they are located. The main thing at this stage is we do not need anything with major faults to work with, Need males with very good type.
Well crappy doodle! LOL I was going to order several males from Cackle to see what they were like. I still might but if I can find some from a breeder with good males Ill do that also. Any suggestions about breeders?
Thanks Sandy

editted to say, eggs would work better for me.
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Hey everyone,

I got back yesterday with my NEW FLOCK OF SPECKLED SUSSEX!!! I have 18. Six are 2 years old, the rest are 4 months old but no kin to the others. The breeder traded another breeder for hatching eggs and the young ones are out of those. These are all breeder quality. Total of 3 roosters and 15 hens/pullets. The hens and roosters each have one fault: hight tail, and extra white in wing. Might be some other small stuff I don't know about, but these babies are beautiful to me, and I don't care if everybody hates them. HA! I feel like the luckiest person in the world to have gotten them inspite of not being perfect, but I will really enjoy working to upgrade their looks through breeding. Regardless how dark some may look due to my inept photography skills, they all have the most beautiful mahogany color.

I have one hen that I think is exceptional, and I will try to single her out one day for your viewing pleasure. I'm too pooped plus it is raining right now. But here are just some random shots of what I got. If you see a hen in there that is missing feathers on her back, some of the others picked them out on the way home. A 6 hour ride just isn't any fun, not even for chickens.

Actually, the more I look at some of these SS the better many of them look to me.




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OR, They are looking good, it's wonderful to see that beautiful color isn't it? You will have post some closer pics soon as you are back on your feet.
Hi Orange Ribbon! You don't know me yet as I've only been stalking this thread (but since the beginning). I've been waiting for you to post pics of your new flock. I know how happy you must be to finally have them home. I'm looking for SS as well. I was hoping not to go hatchery but, after seeing the nice Cackle group, I might consider that. I saw that you would maybe consider a few of those as well. I live in MD and if I don't have any luck locating a breeder (or maybe you might consider selling some birds in the future?) I will probably get some from there in the spring. If you would have interest in getting in on my order I would be happy to meet you somewhere to get you some birds. I know your set and have your hands full for the time being. Just wanted to say "hi" and introduce myself.
Hey, Orange Ribbon;
Those are some nice looking birds and hope they bring you years of pleasure. I might just try to buy a setting of eggs off you next spring.

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