show quality speckled sussex ??

I just wanted to say that I like coming to this thread, I only have hatchery birds Its all I can afford, I know that all of my girls need improvement and I really would like to improve my flock, but without knowing the basics I wouldn't have a clue as to what to look for, Snowbird has been very helpful in that for me as well as some of the others, I'm not one of the popular kids in the class , and don't really care. Yes I know that the pictures are just a moment in time with these birds but for me it is just a tool to use, Say for instance the picture with the showbird and the light brown primaries, even if that were a trick of the light , now If I find that on one of mine I know it would be wrong and I would try and get rid of it out of my flock, the proper tail, comb, shape I'm learning all of that on this thread as well as other sorces. And I know if I have a ? then snowbird or one of the others will answer me and that means alot. When you were on the thread I really enjoyed talking to you, you were always very nice. I am sorry you had such a bad experience here. I had no Idea. If I was rude to you I do apologize. But like I said Hatchery birds is all I have to work with, so work with them I will, plus for some crazy reason It gives me personal pleasure to build up my girls to something fantastic! LOL . I only have one SS hen from a breeder and apparently she is the worst of the bunch but until I came to this thread I thought she was Gods gift to me the most beautiful bird in the world in fact the one that made me want to raise them (SS).

I was kinda upset over what NYREDS said when he came on, and posted, but it did occur to me that He didn't understand what we were using the photo for, I thought snowbird was totally right in the way he handled it. Short and to the point. If you have good information share , I know I'm willing to listen to anyone that is willing to instruct me in what I need to look for and to shun away from if it is someone that I can respect that I think knows what their talking about, and I feel comfortable listening to snowbird and taking his advice, (others not so much) but thats ok too. I'm getting what I need from the thread for me and my flock.

I know that just recently I posted that I didn't like a particular bird in a photo but in another photo I thought she looked nice? So photos are just that Photos and for me Just a learning tool. I'm sorry your experience was bad, I wish it had have turned out better for you, Sandy
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Thanks Math Ace! What a wonderful resource you have here! I enjoy my Sussex because of many things. Of course, I realize mine would not have the qualities a poultry judge is looking for, after learning A LOT from this thread. I have learned what a 'pinched' tail is and the right body type for chickens. The title of the thread is 'show quality' and isn't really here to demote the other good qualities of the breed, perhaps you could sponsor an ' online speckled Sussex show' and ask one of the experienced show judges to rate the bird with a 'score'. Then people can just look at the pictures and placings to get an idea of what are the best. Poultry judges opinions widely vary, but I believe I have got a good base of the minimum expected to consider a chicken 'the right type'. I value the time others have given to share their knowledge about this subject. Thank you!
That is a really good idea teddilza!
I invited several judges to help when this thread got started. I didn't want Don to get burned out and didn't want anyone to feel like Don was "bashing" their birds.
I figured if more than one experienced Speckled Sussex person got involved with the criteqing the birds then negative reviews would go down smoother IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN

I knew, from my experience on other threads, that negative reviews are very painful. They are suppose to be helpful and educational, but they still hurt. It reminds me of what they say about exercising - - No Pain, No Gain...

Going back to your suggestion, I think most judges are way busy already. Many are actively involved in several threads. So, they are spread a little thin if you know what I mean. It takes a lot of dedication to do all the teaching, reviewing, posting and critiquing that Don, Snowbird, has done for us. A lot of the judges just don't have the time to dedicate to a project like this or the one you are proposing. Walt, fowlman01, pops in once in a while and we have had a few other judges pop in once in a while too.

I would invite some of the top SS breeders to this thread, but I have spoken to them and many don't even like to use the internet for email.
They are truly old school chicken breeders.

BOTTOM LINE, I like your idea teddilza, but I don't know who would have the experience and time to become a judge. If we only had one person judging, then folks would get offended again....

We would not have this thread and all this valuable information if it had not been for Don's unselfish dedication.

Just SEARCH BYC and see if you can find ANY THING about the SOP for Speckled Sussex.
I've joined OTHER web sites / clubs trying to locate information SPECIFIC to the SOP and Breeding SS. It just isn't out there. I am so GRATEFUL that Don gave up many, many, many hours of time to help educate us. I've worked very hard on this thread too. Seriously, after the last day's postings, I am not sure I would want to invest the time into starting another thread that involved rating birds in ANY FORM.

I think your idea is good teddilza, but you will have to find some judges willing to do it AND a different sponsor
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Hi, when most think about fantail it will be the main tail feathers well spread apart, and you will need this to develop the nice open tail with a little fluff between the two rows of main tail. Just remember the tail can be pinched vertically and horizontally.

This subject came up on this thread a couple of months ago. At that time, post #744, Don referred us to a pic on the Delaware thread. Specifically he wrote:
I couldn't find the thread at the time, but I did find it today. Here's the link

This doesn't really explain a fan tail, but does give another example of pinched and open tails. I am guessing the fan tail concept is the teepee formed by each side of the tail feathers moves away from the top point on each side like an open fan, as opposed to being bunched up together near the top.
In these two images, you can see her "fan" is about half formed, ie, the tail only opens down and away from the top about half as far as it should (Well maybe a little more than half.) The top of her teepee is also fairly narrow. Compare these to the Delaware link above. Theres a new hampshire with a really nice fan, (not pinched top to bottom) but she does looked pinched side to side.

Feel free to correct me, if I've botched this concept completely.


Robin, I mentioned yesterday I believe that the tail on your #83 female might be WRY Tail, Does her tail always set to the side like the second picture ?
Naw, she was just on the move and generally ticked off at me for stalking her. But I'm gonna tell you, I have pinched tails everywhere and my most open male is 33 from Mt. Healthy pictured several posts above, and as I've mentioned, he's not much of a lover. I'm going to wait to see if the younger males open up a bit. If not, I'll decide then how to proceed.

BTW, it is my understanding we need to wait until a pullet/hen is laying a normal size egg for the breed and hatch from those. But what about the males? Is there a lower and upper limit on breeding ages? Maybe you have answered this before, but honestly I'm drawing a blank on the subject.

Naw, she was just on the move and generally ticked off at me for stalking her. But I'm gonna tell you, I have pinched tails everywhere and my most open male is 33 from Mt. Healthy pictured several posts above, and as I've mentioned, he's not much of a lover. I'm going to wait to see if the younger males open up a bit. If not, I'll decide then how to proceed.

BTW, it is my understanding we need to wait until a pullet/hen is laying a normal size egg for the breed and hatch from those. But what about the males? Is there a lower and upper limit on breeding ages? Maybe you have answered this before, but honestly I'm drawing a blank on the subject.


Robin, I would still breed the wry tail anyway even if she had a wry tail. Most people would rather the egg size is normal before setting. There would be nothing wrong with setting some of the early eggs though.

I think if you put the male in with a couple of female he will act a little different. He is probably on a lower level of being boss.
I had never thought of showing my sussex. They are by far my favorite breed! Here are a couple pics of some of mine.

This pic is premolt this year. His hackles are more even colored and filled out now and his feathers are not so ragged now. He is a pretty boy but as mean as a snake. I am nursing a puncture wound and swelled up forearm from being spurred yesterday.
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He is fairly young. I purchased him used so I am not exactly sure his exact age. He is a big boy. One of the biggest roos I have. I will have to post an updated pic when the mud wears off. After he attacked me yesterday he took a fall right in the mud. He deserved it.

Here is another premolt pic. Little better than the first.
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That hen is just beautiful to me - now granted I don't know anything about the breed, but I sure do like the way she looks.

Waiting for Spring for a shot at some of those Sleepy Hollow SS hatching eggs...

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