Show us your nest boxes! Ingenous design post it here!

good question. If they're bothering it, we put them in the tractor. Sometimes we like them to be in the garden--like when the Japanese beetles invade. This year, we're toying with the idea of fencing all or part of the garden.
Horsewishr, How large is your coop?? It is so cute!

I love everyone's different ideas of nest boxes--no reason you would have to build one-it looks like they are pretty 'flexible' with the needs..Thank you all for sharing your great ideas..Dixie
I think the whole playhouse is 8x12. It's divided on the inside, so the chickens don't have access to the whole thing. This weekend we're expanding the chickens' quarters to about 70 sq.ft. (since we're adding 4 more pullets in a few weeks).
Here's our unique nestboxes - made from unused stuff just laying around. We added on the entire section for these nestboxes in the last couple months to allow for a larger flock.

Inside our coop...


View from outside the coop where we gather the eggs...


You can see more pics of the entire add-on process on my personal page if you're really bored.
wow ya'll good looking and very imaginative nest boxs. I found that mine hens will lay an eggs anywhere now, I went out to collect after I had turned my hens out to free range and it looked like the easter bunny had just came by, I had one in my girls little orange push car cubby, one in a dogs food bowl,(no wonder he was giving me dirty looks), and one in a old spare tire.
Keep up the good building ya'll and keep posting those great pics.

this is a great thread, especially for us newbies! Would the admins. be willing to start new sections of the same,for tractors and maybe water/ feed systems, ect. as well. Multiple ideas of the basics would offer so many more options for those of us just starting out. For instance, my Bf and I work for a company that has LOTS of 5 gallon buckets it throws out, these would be so easy for us to build nesting places out of them, based on what I've seen here.

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